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Question: Does anyone else find that Breaking Dawn fell short!?
I think over all it was a good story but just not for the end of the Twilight series!. It had a good plot and I was happy that Jacob didn't get Bella but I thought it was silly that Bella had a baby!. Does anyone else agree!? what were your oppions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i had mixed feelings about it!. i am glad that bella became a vampire, i am happy she and edward got married, but there were too many inconsistencies!. like jacob isn't really a werewolf, he's a shape shifter! that came out of nowhere!. and i can't believe that all that worry about the Volturi and a big fight ended in a conversation!. and out of nowhere jacob can control his thoughts around edward, and i didn't feel like it was explained why bella was able to control herself so well around humans!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was very disappointed!.
I felt like Stephenie Meyer just copied and pasted a crappy fan fiction written by a ten-year-old and then tried to pass it off as a good story!.
I found myself wanting to stop reading and wishing I had never read it!.
also, I kept thinking, "This is a CHILDREN'S book!?" because it was sex galore!.
The whole baby name was totally corny and lame, the Jacob imprinting was totally expected, and the birth was completely NASTY!.
also, the whole Volturi thing was overly built up and then it just CRAPPED OUT!. I also found it disgusting that Jacob imprinted on the daughter of the girl he used to be head over heels in love with!.
This story left me wondering who these characters were, because not only did Stephenie Meyer introduce WAYYYY too many new characters, she completely changed Bella and Edward into characters I hated!.
I always used to dislike Bella, but now I actually HATE her!. I think she's a sex-crazed bimbo!. And Edward is just annoying!.
also, the whole Alice excuse was lame, and I missed her in the story!. The wedding was the best part, and it was only a few chapters!.
The only redeeming qualities in this book were Seth and Leah, and if Jacob's POV hadn't been completely centered around Bella's nasty pregnancy, I would have really liked hearing his side!.
My total review was that I was extremely disappointed and I would like to beat Stephenie Meyer about the head with that infuriatingly long book of hers!. The last question I asked myself was, "Why did I just waste 10 and a half hours in this day reading this!?!"
Please don't be offended by this, it's just my personal opinion, and I hope you respect it!.
I hope nobody else was as disappointed as me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought Breaking Dawn was the worst book in the Twilight series!. The whole series has always been lacking something!.!.!. a THEME!? Yes, we enjoy reading them, we fall in love with the characters, and the story telling, but what do we learn!?!?!? Nothing! !.!.!. And they're all poorly written!.

Jacob imprinting on Nessie was extremely disturbing!. The whole scene of Bella giving birth was gruesome!. I've always liked Jacob Black!. However, in "Book 3" of Breaking Dawn after he imprints on Nessie!.!.!. His character completely changes!.!.!. It's !.!.!.retarded!?!?!? lol!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

She left alot open!. She has said that Breaking Dawn was the last book from Bella's veiw, but I think there will be more maybe from her daughters!. I didn't like that she had a baby at first, but after it was over I loved it!. The book wasn't what I expected, it lacked suspense but it wasn't terrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it!
i was glad that bella stayed with edward too! lol
but i thought it was funny that i told my friends "what if bella has a baby!?"
i asked that like in may!. they were all like "no, no that isn't possible!" and then i read breaking dawn and i was like"oh! i told you so, i told you so!!!!
i loved it though emmett was really funny! lol

I really hated how Stephenie broke her own rules and made Bella have a baby!. That was stupid!. I also really wish that, after all the drama, there had actually been a fight with the Volturi!. And I hate how Bella got everything she wanted and didn't have to sacrifice anything at all!.


Fell short!? AS the LA Times said, she "bunted"!. She completely copped out!. I didn't think it was a good story in the least!. Quite frankly, I found it revolting!. And she wrote such strange things -- like a page on Bella deciding whether or not to shave her legs !.!.!. Did anyone even care!? It was just plain bad!. Pax-C Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yeah it TOTALLY fell short for me!.!.!.!.!. it gave me more questions then it answered and the ending!?!?!? come on give me a little more then that!!?!!?!!?! i hope there is more like as a surprise for the fans or something bc the overall ending to the series was VERY unsatisfyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I think there are enough loose ends to justify a fifth book!. Jacob's imprinting on Nessie would be a real area of conflict between Edward/Bella and Jacob!. If Bella hadn't had Nessie, there wouldn't have been a reason for half of the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree! to me it was the worst of the series, i had been looking forward to that book for ever, and when i got it and saw taht bella had a baby!.!.!. that was crazy! I didnt expect it at all and i didnt like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i found bella's POV
boring when it went back to her's in book three!.
Jacob's was funnier because of the blonde jokes
and edward reading his mind and such
so much italics! hahaha!.
i loved it!.
i love jacob the same as edward now!.