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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Reccomendation for a good jacquleine wilson book?

Question: Reccomendation for a good jacquleine wilson book!?
ive read bad girls, midnight and illustrated mum-found these boring
i found kiss and lola rose interesting

other than those, can u reccommend me some good ones


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh man, it's been a while since I read those!. I might not have the same taste as you, but lets see:

Vicky Angel
Dustbin Baby
Lizzie Zipmouth
The Cat Mummy

That's all I can really remember!.!.!.Hope you like them too!

P!.S!. I really enjoyed Midnight!.!.!.hm!.!.!.

i enjoyed the 'Girls In Love' series alot :)
hope i've helped :P :)Www@QuestionHome@Com