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Question: Question About Twilight!?!?!?!?
After seeing alot of the raving about Twilight on here, i finally decided to pick up the book whilst on a holiday in Florida!.
Now i'm officially HOOKED! I LOVED the book, and will be getting the second one A!.S!.A!.P
I just wanted to know if the other in the series were as good, and when the film will be coming out in the UK if anyone knows!?!? As im reeeeeli excited about that! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OH-MY-GOSH i know what you mean i am so hooked!! i finished reading the series and heres a little info the second one is good but it is a little sad at first but it gets better promise!! the third one is very exciting and it kinda of annoyed me at the end part where jacob kinda manipulates her into kissing him but in the end it is a really good book to, and last but not least the recent one that just came out would be breaking dawn and i found this one very interesting, it is probably the second best in my oppinion to the first one because she ends up getting what she wants and a whole lot more! the movie comes out December 12!!! and idk about if it's goin to be in uk or not but i don't think so, but i am not sure, and just in case you didn't know (cause i didn't at first) that she is goin to be rewriting the first book as edwards view of what was happening, it will be called midnight sun!.
you can read the first chapter to the books that i just told you about and one extra by stephenie meyer at!.!.!.
and you can find out for yourself there plus they have the movie website to but i'll give it to you anyway and it is!.!.!.!.
good luck and enjoy!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I live in the US, and my friends were talking about it!.!.!. I think they said it might come out some time in December!? Perhaps sooner for you!.!.!.
Twilight does look like a promising series!. I still need to read New Moon, but my friends were also saying it was a dissapointment, since Edward wasn't in that book very much!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes new moon is Not as Good But its still good and Eclipse is soo good i loved it, it was one of my Fav!.!. Breaking Dawn Was good aswell the ending to the whole bella and Edwards love story was amazing!.
I think the movie would come out around december!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The books are amazing! The fourth book, Breaking Dawn, just came out!. And omj! It is amazing!. Read them as fast as you can!. The movie comes out December 12th!. But that's in the US!. So idk!. Sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the entire series and I am sooooooo excited for the movie, although I am not sure when it comes out in the UK sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok!. book number 2 is a bit depressing and 3 is WONDERFUL! i personaly HATED BREAKING DAWN!Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont watch the film until you've read all the books!. it will spoil it for you x
12th December 2008!.

yeah its good!. i hope you fall in love with jacob :]

breaking dawn though!.!.!.somewhat of a bust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com