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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Stephanie Meyer at her worst *spoilers*

Question: Stephanie Meyer at her worst *spoilers*
I read Breaking Dawn and I was quite overwhelmed with how bad it was!. The first 400 pages seem to be about a pregnancy!. It was only ehh!.!.!.
But then, she loses that youthful outlook and it feels like I'm reading a book told from a 40 year old mother's perspective!. Does anyone else feel that Stephanie Meyer could have done a better job in writing this last installment!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was not impressed with this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off, her name is stephEnie!. with an 'e'
second off, bella had to grow up!. she became a mom!. she can't keep acting like a highschooler!.
i think smeyer could've done a better job tying ends up, but i still love the book!. it ends in a weird place, but still has some closure!. i just wish she would've added an epilouge of them fifty years from now!. then i really would've felt the closure i needed!.
reread the book, and you'll love it!. when i first read it i thought "holy crap!. wth is going on!? stephenie why are you doing this!!?!!?!" but i reread it and fell in love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i think that maybe she should have done two more books instead of just one with everything crammed into it!. maybe if she had done one book including the the part where they get married through where jacob imprints and bella is left changing!. then another book where the whole part of how she turned and all the rest!. i think that would have made it more interesting and more suspenseful and better to read!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm still reading right now now!. But this book is definitely different from the first three!. This one gets extremely more graphic (that delivery part with the baby) and it's like this book is more sex based!. I'm a little disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved the book!.

and of course bella
has to change a bit!.
shes a mom now jeez
