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Position:Home>Books & Authors> ARe there any good biagriphies that fit my qriteria?!?

Question: ARe there any good biagriphies that fit my qriteria!?!!?
I have to read a biography for school and don't really lkike bioghraphies so do you know of any good biographies that are:
interesting but approiprate for an 8th grade assignment
250 to 300 pgs

thankyou for any suggestionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Given your yahoo id, why not try Bram Stoker and the Man Who Was Dracula by Barbara Belford!? This is a little longer than you want but if it's interesting enough you might enjoy it!. It concentrates on the period of his life when he wrote Dracula and discusses where he got some of his ideas!.

Otherwise, tell us more about your interests and we'll try to find something to suit!. Do you like sports!? History!? Science!? Theater!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the discovery of India by Jawharlal Nehru
the diary of anne frank by anne frank

or if you have some biography that you really like you can go to whatshoudireadnext!.com, enter the title and the author, and it'll show you some books that you might like!.

you can also go to shelfari!.com and check out some books that you might like!.

hope this helps!

Sweetheart, the spell check is there for a reason!. Unless you *want* to make a fool of yourself and open yourself up for ridicule, use it!.

As for your question, I don't really know of any, off the top of my head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look at the subject of women in the civil war!. Mary Bickendyker (spelling might not be right)!. General Lee said that she out ranked him when she was walking on the battle field!.Www@QuestionHome@Com