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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you choose names that sound perfect for characters in the context?

Question: How do you choose names that sound perfect for characters in the context!?
Whenever I read a really good book, the characters and their personalities seem to fit their given names perfectly!.
Take Twilight for example: I'm not a big fan of the books, but I must say the names of characters (Bella, Edward), do fit them!.

Thanks in advance, appreciate it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends, some for symbolic meaning!. Like J K Rowlings, all her names have some sort of background behind them!.

I think really good authors (of which Meyers is not considered one) always seem to have picked good names because after reading their books, their characters seem to LIVE and seem so real that they become almost human and thus leave us the impression that the author chose the right name!.

Don't understand!?

Basically I mean that the name isn't the one that creates an impression and decides whether it is appropriate, rather, a good author creates a personality and impression for the name and this is what people remember!.


It depends!.!.some authors prefer to give their character a name which has a symbolic meaning (for example Leo, a king's name (lion is king of the jungle), or Verity, which stands for truth and justice)!. Others go for how the name sounds, a villain gets a short, sharp name (Lex) and a good guy an elaborate, melodious name (Alexander)!. But sometimes it's just a feeling, that the author has with this name, a certain memory or someone he knew!. I hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For main characters, I choose based on personal experience!.

For less important characters, I write them into the story first, with a tentative name, and then a name just starts to come up in my mind, inspired by the character's actions!. I then look up the name and its meaning to see if it really fits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I doubt this will help much!.!.!. but if you're really having troubles, give them temporary names!. If you're writing in a word processing document, you can just change the names when you find one that has a better fit!.

I'll give you a link in the sources for a good name search engine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com