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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In Twilight the book, what's Alice's human story?

Question: In Twilight the book, what's Alice's human story!?
I've read it over and over!. I get some of it!.!.!. I'm still pretty much lost on everything else!. Can someone explain to me that paragraph in that part where James is explaining it!? That would be great!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Her name was Mary Alice Brandon and she was born in Biloxi!. Her family put her into an asylum because she had visions!. In the asylum, she became a favorite of the vampire who worked there!. Later, James found her!. Her blood appealed to him (better than Bella's blood does to Edward,) so the other vampire turned her into a vampire to save her before James got to her!. James later killed that vampire!. But in the book it says that she didn't really know much of what happend!. Hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Alice's human life, she was born in Biloxi!. She was having premonitions and was kept in an asylum, that`s why she couldn't remember her human life!. James was intoxicated by her blood and was set out to kill her (still human, of course), but there was this old vampire who loved Alice dearly, and so to protect Alice he changed her!. James was angry and killed the vampire!.

Being locked in an asylum was the reason she could see the future in her vampire life!. She had a sister named Cynthia and she has a daughter that's still alive in Biloxi!.

Well, that`s pretty much it!. I hope you got it and didn't confuse you more! :)


Ooh! Yeah it took me a second time
but remember when James was
with Bella in the ballet studio
well he said something like
"Yeah it did it to your little friend
but she got away!. I'm not making the same
mistake with you!."
And so James was the one to turn Alice
but she got away and hid in that dark
cellar or something until she saw the
vision of the Cullens together
as a big family, then she went off to find them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!. I read the books a while ago, but I don't think James was the one who turned her!. She was in a psych ward because I think she still kinda had weaker visions or still had some sort of psychic power!. Her blood really attracted James and he wanted to kill her, but another vampire who was in love with her turned her so that she wouldn't be killed by him!. It was because newborns are much stronger than normal

I hope I'm not wrong in this!.


Ha ha, okay the people below me obviously know what's right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alice doesn't remember being human!. She was in a psych ward for some reason!. James came and found her and turned her into a vampire!. She doesn't remember any of it!. Thats the only way I can explain it!.!.!.

Apparently James was trying to kill Alice the same way he was trying to kill Bella, but she got away!.!.!. Maybe James was going to get caught!? Im not really sure, but thats how I understood it when I read the book!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com