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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any good books/authors you'd like to recommend?

Question: Any good books/authors you'd like to recommend!?
(I asked this question earlier, but for some reason it never posted, so here goes!.!.!.!.)

I enjoy listening to audiobooks while at work and I am almost finished with a current book!. I download books from audible!.com and am having trouble choosing books to download next!. Below is a list of my four favorite authors and my pick for their best works!. If anyone has any recommendations for me please submit them and I will look into downloading them!. Thank you so much for your assistance!

Larry McMurtry - Lonesome Dove
John Steinbeck - East of Eden
John Irving - A Widow For One Year
Pat Conroy - Prince of Tides

I hope this helps you analyze my style of literature!. Again, any tips are appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't read any of those books but I noticed that John Steinbeck was on your list!. I read The Pearl and Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck and both were really good, The Pearl more so than Of Mice and Men!.

My personal favorite book (and classic) of all time is Gone With the Wind!. It has a great plot and the characters undergo great changes throughout the book, which occurs before, during, and after the Civil War!. :) You should try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

J!.K!. Rowling-Harry Potter Books
A Friendship for Today
Melissa J!.Morgan-Camp Confidential
The Davinchi Code
Ronald Dahl-Matilda,Three Witches,Boy
Chelsea Handler-Are you there Vodka!?It's me,Chelsea
Are you there God!?It's me,MargrateWww@QuestionHome@Com

I suggest anything by Nicholas Sparks!.

"The Notebook"
"The Wedding"
"A Walk To Remember"
"The Horse Whisperer"


I think you would enjoy reading books by Cormac McCarthy!. His most recent, The Road, is excellent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry potter-j!.k!. rowling
twilight-stephanie meyer

Love in the Time of Cholera is really good
The SecretWww@QuestionHome@Com

i guess sideny Sheldon's books
THE SKY Is FALLINGWww@QuestionHome@Com