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Question: How does one write effective real-world settings, even if one has never been to the place before!?
I'm 16 years old and trying to write a novel and I'm having trouble making the main character, who has seen a lot of the world, seem realistic and not sound like a tourist when he visits places I've never been to!. The main locations are in Nigeria for this novel, but there are also going to segments in places like Paris, London, as well as the United States!. The book is a secret agent type story, like The Bourne Trilogy!. It's written in first person so having an effective "voice" is really important!. Thank you for your help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
DETAILS!!!! Who, What, When, Where, Why are your good probing questions to find details!. do research, look at pics, read biographies of others who have experienced these places before!. reread something you have written before where you're describing a place (or perform an exercise where you describe a place you've been before) and parallel the details because that's what's going to translate to another reader!. you could also get someone else to read it!.!.!.sometimes another pair of eyes helps a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pictures really do speak a thousand words!. Analyze pictures from an area, and that should help you tremendously!. also, I would go to your local library and check out as many books on each place as possible!. It may feel somewhat tedious doing all of that work, but it will make your story so much more realistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the first answer, however, if youre short of time/concentration type the place into Wikipedia and see what comes up!. And just to back that up do a couple of image searches and a google search about the place just to verify and solidify the facts youve found :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Research pictures!. Describe what you see in your writing!. It works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's difficult, isn't it, but use the Internet!. For instance, look up the Louvre, in Paris!. The Eiffel Tower too, perhaps!. For London, Trafalgar Square, Soho, (this is on the fringe of theatreland, and there are lots of fine restaurants there)!. What you have to watch for, though, is dialogue!. I can help you with English, because I'm an Englishman, but you'll have to be careful with French!. Why Nigeria!? Why not closer to home!? Don't make difficulties for yourself!.
If you want more help with, say, Cockney English, or 'upper crust' type dialogue, don't hesitate to E-mail me!. I'm quite prepared to help!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

(Others may have already said this, but I'll say it anyway)

What I do, when I'm in a situation like that, is to read books that talk about the little-known facts about, say, Paris!. For example, practically EVERYONE raves about the Eiffel Tower!. Well, what about this little cafe on this street, that has the softest dough on the Earth!? Or that little candy shop that has those darling little spun-sugar pictures!?

To make it sound as if you've been there, read as much as possible!. Tour guides CAN be helpful, but I stick with biographies!. For example, what did Frank Sinatra think of Paris!? (I don't know if he actually went there!.!.!.)

But that's what I do!. I envision myself there, in that candy shop, or in that cafe, and think about how wonderful it would be!. It also helps to sound a touch wistful, as if you wish you could go back, and stay for a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com