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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think Stephanie Meyer was thinking when she wrote Breaking Dawn?

Question: What do you think Stephanie Meyer was thinking when she wrote Breaking Dawn!?
I very much disliked the book!. I think she was trying to end the book on a good note for both teams!. What does everyone else think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think she wanted to make every one happy and please both teams, and in the process ended up losing sight of what her book was turning into!. She's all about Happy Endings, and I feel like she didn't quite realize that a perfect happy ending would disappoint a lot of people and would make her book appear plotless and weak!.

Although I'm honestly failing to understand how she thought Nessie/Jake would please the majority of Team Jacob!. I've yet to find a single Team Jacober who was actually happy with the situation!. It is her story, so she can write it however she wants to, but all the same-- she gets her money from her fans!. Her fans are part of the reason she can get published!. She shouldn't write exactly what her fans want, but she should at least try to satisfy them-- and a lot of fans were disappointed by this book!. What would everyone have done if in the last Harry Potter book, everyone died, a pink unicorn from Jupiter flew to earth, Voldemort fell in love with it, and then Voldemort flew off on its back and made Bellatrix and Ron leaders of the universe!? Even though that would have been "the way she wanted to end it", everyone would have been disappointed and thrown a fit because it didn't fit with the rest of the story!. And that's how a lot of fans feel about BD-- that it doesn't fit with the story!.

Basically I feel like she wanted to make sure no one had to die so that they could all have a happy ever after!. But by insisting on a perfectly happy ending (and no sacrifice on Bella's part, I might add), she ended up losing her characters' personalities a bit, created a lot of plot holes, and demeaned the plots and conflicts of her first three books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Ohmigosh, this is so spectacular! !.!.!. And because I'm so freaking unoriginal and amazing, I'll combine Bella's and Eddie's mother's names to name their daughter that was somehow-magically-born!.!.!. Even-though-I-said-that - Vampires-don't-have-sperm!.!.!.
Because my fans aren't smart enough to notice anyway and Eddie has magical powers and plot holes are dandy things in books anyway!.
OH! And then I'll write a third of the book in Jacob's perspective - but wait, that means I won't be able to rewrite all of Breaking Dawn in his perspective!.!.!. NO! I CAN'T REWRITE THE SERIES WITH HIM TOO AND MAKE MORE MONEY!11!1!!!one!1!! -sob- But on the plus side, I'll be able to let fans see "his side of the story" so it'll be, lyk, totally worth it!1!!!
Gawd, I'm incredible!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!.
I read this interview (from the concert series thing) and she was saying this is the idea she had from the beginning of how the book was going to be finished, with Nessie and all that!. She said her publisher wanted her to only write 3, but she pushed for a fourth specifically because of Nessie!. She should have listened to her publisher!.
I wonder, you know how the werewolves aren't werewolves at all but shape-shifters!? Does that mean that shape-shifters are actually vampires' natural enemies, not werewolves!? Or is that just one more discrepancy in the book!?
also, did the whole 24 chromosome thing matter at all!? I was bracing myself for one of her infamous side-story explanations, but it never happened!. I guess just to say that Nessie and Jake were genetically perfect for each other or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. There was no big fight seen either!. I think she was just trying to finish it!. The beginning and middle was OK, but the end, and the end of the middle were kinda bad!. I almost regret wait in line for two hours to get it!. I think she was too rushed and pressured to finish it!. If she would have taken her time and really thought, it could have been a good book!. I think Eclispse was my fave though!. Everything was there, the fight, the romance, even the drama!. I couldn't put it down!. This one was easy to walk away from, though, and that's kinda sad!. I can't wait to see the movie though!. Team Edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats the whole problem, she wasn't thinking!.
Stephenie Meyer is all about the Happy Endings!.
Well guess what, that doesn't always make the book good!.
Kill off a few characters!. Who cares!? It's not like they're real!.
It would of make the book at least a tiny bit more interesting!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

to answer what taped up scissors said i agree, i dont really like the ending of bd but i don't hate it either, but because it's not really how i wanted it to, i'm writing my own ending and u should do the same if u don't like it or just read fanfic that sounds like a better endingWww@QuestionHome@Com

She was thinking, "Now, to end MY story!." I'm sure she didn't have a care in the world of what YOU thought!. It's her story, and its how she wanted it to end!. So, relax!. If you want to read something better, then write it yourself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it, and for the person who said team jacobers werent pleased with nessie, one of my really good friends likes jacob and is thrilled about nessie and himWww@QuestionHome@Com

She was thinking ca ching!. But many many people have taken the book back!. If she thought turning Jacob into a pedophile was ending his story on a good note, she is very much on drugs!. I hated the book too!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

She was mainlining heroin and thinking, "I'm Team Pedos and Pervs and Abusers! YAY!" Then she wrote her awful story!.

She wasn't thinking!. Yep, that's it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com