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Question: Forgot the book title!.!.!.help
ok the book's about a sister & brother who are orphans!.!.and they're staying at this orpahange and two elder couples come and adopt them and they go to this place!.!.i dont exactly remember the story!.!.but if someone knows can u tell me the title and the author!.!.thanxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Ruby Holler" by Sharon Creech
Having suffered through a string of appalling foster homes (the spitting Cranbepps; scary, toothless Mr!. Dreep who locked them in his cellar; and the mean Burgerton boys), 13-year-old orphan Dallas and his twin sister, Florida, have pretty much given up on ever finding a happy home!. So when an eccentric older couple enters their lives, providing such adventures as a river expedition, a treasure hunt (of sorts), and a whole lot of remarkable meals: "beat-the-blues broccoli," "anti-cranky crumpets," and "getting-used-to-kids- again stew," the twins take a while to warm up!. Florida's language teems with outrageous, telling negativity--everything is "putrid"--and even dreamy Dallas is inclined to bouts of doubt!."Www@QuestionHome@Com