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Question: Who loves TWILIGHT!? and the rest
I KNOW I DO =]!. I just finished the first one and I feel in love with the book!. I kinda cheated my way and read the ending of book 4 and it was what i hoped for!.!.!.I think!.!.!.I didn't wanna kill everything lol!. Are you guys going to watch the movie!? I don't think I'm!. I'm not sure if its going to be as good as the book!. =D=D=D=D=D=D=D=DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OK I am madly in love with the serious!. My favorite of course it will be Twilight the rest just follows!. A lot of people are saying that they didn't like Breaking Dawn but they are suckers!. I guess you really do have to LOVE twilight to actually like breaking dawn!. I just finish reading breaking dawn a few minutes ago and I love the book!. It's a good ending!. I know I know that maybe at the end [I guess I shouldn't spoiled it for you right!?] Well something happens and maybe people just wanted to see some action, but I think it ended fine!. Maybe the only thing that bug me a little was that Edward and Bella were doing it a lot!. It's like that's all they want hahaha but that's just a minor!. I try to ignore that!. I guess my favorite book is and will always be twilight and then Breaking dawn and then the rest!. [I like new moon and eclipse but they broke my heart by a lot]

So trust me read them all and just enjoy them =]

edit: well about the movie!. I don't know if I will want to watch it!. It will be too hard for me to watch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love the saga! hence the name! I would totally buy BD!. It was extremely good! I loved it!. I think that people are saying that it is bad because it didn't end the way they wanted it to! yes she does get changed into a vampire, only not when you think she will when you first read the book at the very beginning!. I will go see the movie, i am so excited to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love the series but i don't like the book breaking dawn!.
you need to read the rest of the series, new moon and eclipse are great!
yyyyaaaaaa!.!.!. of course im gonna see the movie!! lol
have a good night!

oh yeah i totally love the books!!!!! and i'm totally EXCITED for the movie!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


and yes she becomes a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love all 4 books except for new moon!.!.!.
yes she will turn into a vampire

can't wait for the movie! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

i loved the books!.
but ya i dont like whos playing edwardWww@QuestionHome@Com