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Question: After the writing of the American Constitution!.!.!.
Benjamen Franklin wrote a book explaining what they, the founding fathers meant by the Bill of Rights!. Does anyone know what this book was called!?

I have to do this thing called "The Common Reading" for my college, all incoming freshmen have to do it, and so far from what I can tell, it's a "The government sucks, to heck with them blah blah blah" thing!. Personally, I couldn't care less about this project, I have better things that I could do!. However, I figure things wouldn't go all too well if I were to outright refuse to do it, so I want to throw the people for a loop (we have to write a reactionary paper, answering about 4 really "the government is just a bunch of hypocrits invading our privacy *the book has to do with the 4th ammendment* and should go to heck" and then the Friday before school starts, all freshmen have to report to assigned rooms to talk it over O_o!. My dad called it a "koombaya" ordeal, lol!.)!.

Anyway, if somebody could tell me the name of the book, it would be greatly appreciated!. :)

Thanks in advance
and have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am pretty certain that no such book written by Franklin exists!. Franklin was very old when the Constitution was written, and, although he was a delegate to the Convention, almost never spoke!. He wrote some pieces on slavery but little else afterwards and died not much later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com