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Question: Good setting for book with wolves/werewolves!?
I'm starting a novel (or series) about a pack of werewolves!. I want to place the story in North America in a place that has a good wilderness setting (but close to towns and cities!. My problem is, I don't want most of the book to take place in a snowy setting!. Have any good ideas!?!?!? Washington state is out, (Due to the Twilight series, if I had written this book seven years ago when I had the idea, I wouldn't be having this problem!.) also Louisiana is out because of the over reference to New Orleans in most werewolf/vampire novels!. (also I live in Louisiana!.) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you should try a town you know
and went to (so that it'd be more
descriptive) and somewhere you
know has coyotes or wolves!.
I'd suggest anywhere in
British Columbia, Canada !.!.
but maybe I'm biased because
that's where I live :)

of course, you could make up a town
near where Louisiana - it's not
completely unheard of, since I know
lots of books that made fake towns
since they couldn't find cities
that fit their story!.

hope this helps! :)

edit - read this book if you want
to know more about werewolves
in Canada (it's fiction, by the way)
it's a good read :
'Book of Dreams' by O!.R!. Melling!.
it might help you out! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

US Locations for Gray Wolves include Minnesota, Idaho, Montana, Wisconsin, Michigan, a small population in Texas, Mexico, Arizona,New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming!. Most Canadian Provinces have Gray Wolves except the eastern seaboard -- mostly in the wilderness!. US Locations for Red Wolves include Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana in forested areas and river bottoms!. If you use a variant of a coyote, any state goes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that u should make up a town in ur own state id prob b the best but i really wanna read ur book already lol wats the title gona b so that i can find it wen u finish or ur name so wen u finish i can look it up by the authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've always wanted to write a story about werewolves!.!.!. Of course, mine would be a high fantasy novel (fantasy setting with magic and whatnot)!. But a contemporary setting!.!.!. Why not Canada!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Southern Wisconsin would be a great location for your story!. It has the lovely wilderness setting, and it doesn't snow half as much as it does up North!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could try like nebraska or iowa or some state like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com