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Question: I've started this book, but should I finish it!?
It's called "One" and I think it's cool so far, but I need you people to help me! I'm only 12 so it might not be that good, just tell me what I need to inprove! Here's what I have in the first chapter!.!.!.enjoy!


“One more step and I’ll kill him!.” The robber threatened!. He stopped my powers, I was useless without them!. I was normal, weak!.

“I said don’t move!” He said putting the gun closer to the Judge’s head!.

Think! Think! What makes him tick…!? I rummaged through my mind for information!. Nothing, I couldn’t think of anything that would bother him or that would slow him down, just enough so I could knock the gun away!.

“Threatening me with his life!? That’s highly un-original!.” I said, trying to sound bored!.

“Don’t try to toy with me!.” He purred, “Just step away, and I won’t do anything, but a step closer…well…the Judge here won’t be so lucky!.”

Judge Wright is the most powerful man in all of New York, even more powerful then the mayor!. He was wealthy and kept most of the bad guys scared…Well one of the people that kept them scared!. And as long as he had the Judge, he basically controlled the city…Not unless I had something to say about it!. Which I did!.

Come on! I thought trying to get them to work!. Nothing!.

He must be doing something!. I thought, But what and how!?

“Hurry up, I don’t have all day!.” The robber said lowering the gun, but still firmly clutching Judge Wright!.

“How about a little exchange!? You hand me the money, I hand you the Judge!.” He bribed me!.

“You’re trying to bribe me!? And you want just a little money for the Judge!? Nice try bub!.” I said smirking!.

“Ha, funny!. I mean the money in the bank smart-one, all of it!. Now get it, fast!.” He said impatiently!.

“You wish!” I said throwing a punch at him, breaking his nose!. He went to pull the trigger and I lifted up my hand, then everything stopped!.

I have amazing powers, unlike anyone else in the world!. I wasn’t dropped in a toxic waste bin, I was born like this!. I have almost all of the powers you could think of, from stopping time, to strength!. No one knows about my powers, and I wouldn’t dare tell anyone, it’s too dangerous!.

But my stopping time didn’t always work; it never did when I wanted it to!. It seemed to only happen when it wasn’t thinking about it, which is something different!. At the moment, it seemed to be working at the perfect time, bonus!.

I grabbed the judge and took the gun then snapped my finger!. Everything went back to moving!.

“Now look who’s on the other end of this!?” I said smiling!. He looked at me dumbfounded and stared at the gun!. “Ah-ha what do you have now!?”

He still just stared at me in shock!. “Who are you!?” He asked, still astonished!.

“No one!.” I replied simply as the police’s sirens could be heard loud and clear!. “Have fun with the law!.” I said as a police man hand-cuffed him and started to take him to the car!.

“How…” Judge Wright began, “How did you do that!?” He stared at me just as dumbfounded as the robber!.

“What!?” I asked playing dumb!.

“How did you manage to get the gun and I without him noticing!?” He questioned, obviously interested!.

“I have my ways…” I murmured!.

“Are you one of the police officers!?” He urged on!.

I laughed, “Never in a million years would I be one of them!”

I jumped out the window and opened my wings…Ah to be in the air again, it felt so good!. And besides, there’s no traffic up here!.!.!.Another big plus to my powers!. I told you I had almost every power you could think of!.

I landed on the roof of the District’s Attorney’s main building!. I work for the D!.A, like the rest of my family, that’s how we keep so close!. I changed back to my normal self, (I can shape shift) and pulled my hair out of its pony-tail!. Perfect! Just the way I was before I left!. Except for the cut!.!.!. I could already hear Kane’s voice telling me to be more careful, or else I would attract suspicion!. He had that talk with me every time I came back from “doing something”!.

John Kane was fifty-seven year old man that my parents knew all their lives!. Fifty-seven still kicken’ baby! He learned about my abilities when he took a blood sample and found out my blood type was Q…He found out, because there was no such thing a blood type Q!. After, he tested my abilities and vowed to keep them a secret!. That was eleven years ago; being 19 with these powers made life a lot more fun!.

I was the youngest person to work in the D!.A!. Some people think it’s because my parents pulled some strings and got me a job…But that’s just because they’re jealous!. The real reason I was part of the D!.A was because when I was a sophomore, five other kids and I were pulled out of High School and put into collage for reasons unknown!. But it wasn’t our parents that arranged it, it was the Government!. Their plot is unknown to everyone, not even the D!.A knows why they did what they did!.

One of the five kids was my best friend Rick, he and I were put in separate collages and I haven’t seen him since!. For the first for months we called and texted each other almost every day, but as we got farther in the school year we drifted and hardly talked!. I sometimes wondered where he was, what he was doing , and if he remembered me!. But Rick had to remember, if not…then what made him forget!?

I hurried down the hall to Kane’s office and put down my jacket!.

“You’re late!.” He said, not looking up from his papers!.

“Sorry, I got held back!.” I excused myself swiftly!.

“I see that robber the police were after since last month was captured!.” He said looking at me and raising an eye-brow!.

“Is that so!?” I teased Kane, trying to lift the mood!.

“You do realize that the meeting between Brooklyn and us was today, don’t you!?” He said looking more serious!.

I slapped my forehead, “That was today!?!” I asked, even though I knew the answer!.

“Yes!.” Kane replied, looking back at his papers, “You really need to keep your work life in order before someone gets fired Amanda!.”

“I know Kane!.” I mumbled rolling my eyes!.

“And just for that, you get to prosecute him!.” Kane said, putting down his papers and smiling!.

“Mr!. Kane,” A woman said, interrupting our conversation, “Judge Wright would like to have a word with you!.”

“Of course!.” Kane replied standing up and giving me a look that said, “We’ll finish later!.”

My name is Amanda, Amanda Bright!. I’m nine-teen and live in New York City, the big apple!. My blonde hair and green eyes came from my family, but my powers didn’t!. My family had no idea about my powers…At least I hoped they didn’t!. No one else had these strange abilities but me, I was basically alone!.

My parents are among the highest ranked in the D!.A, the most important!. And that, is more dangerous than jumping off a ten story building, trust me!. They always expected me to take over their thrown one day, but I never would!. I might have been good, but not that good!. And besides, I didn’t know if I even wanted to take over!. My world was set on a line that everyone assumed me to fallow, but here’s my motto: Don’t assume what you don’t know!. Easy to remember, extremely easy to fallow, and the best part was, I was the only one who fallowed that rule!.

But my world was headed to a different path, a path were I wasn’t completely controlled!. A path where I was the one who made the decisions and no one told me what to do!. That would be the life!.!.!.I’d be free from everything!. It was a risk, but I was willing to take it!. Screw politics!.

“Amanda, where have you been!?” I heard my mother’s voice say!. Crap, I’d been found!. “That was a very important meeting and you missed it! Do you know how much you missed out on!?”

“Mom, I just got caught up!.” I said lamely!.

“’Caught up’! Caught up in what!?” She prosecuted me!.

“In traffic!.” I said starting to leave the room!.

“Well, the robber was caught; it was on the news just a second ago!.” My mom said, finally changing the subject!.

“Oh really!?” I asked trying to sound interested!.

“Yeah, that one girl got him!. You know the one who seems to bet the cops at their job!?”

“Oh her, well, I’m not surprised, she seems to always get to those people!.” I said trying not to smile!.

“Well, I just hope she doesn’t go bad like the rest of them!.” My mom sighed!.

“Like the rest of who…!?” I asked suddenly interested!.

“Come on Amanda, you know she has those weird powers!. Just look at her, the way she does all that!. And the news has footage of her flying!.” My mom said trying to make me “believe”!.

“You can’t believe everything that’s on the news Mom!.” I said turning around and looking at her!. At times, my mother seemed younger than me…Like right now!.

“No, but that’s where we get a lot of priceless information!.” She said seriously!. I didn’t respond to that!. She had me, like she always got me!.

My mother sighed, “Well, I expect you to head down the police station and prosecute the robber!. I want his files and what you got out of him on my desk by six thirty, got it!?” She said suddenly serious again!. I nodded, “Okay good luck, you’ll need it!.”

“Thanks!.” I murmured looking out the window!.

It didn’t take long to find out why my mom had said ‘good luck’!. I had been questioning him for an hour, and the most we got out of him were two letter sentences!.

“Well were you desperate!?” I questioned impatiently!.

“No,” He replied!.

“Did you need the money!?” I asked started to get angry!.

“Not exactly!.” He answered simply!.

“Then why did you do what you did!?” I asked, more calmly!.

“Why do you do what you do Miss!? Because you want to…Or because someone tells you to!. Do the math o’ smart one!.” He said with a bored and smug look on his face!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is so good!. u should so continue especially for your age!. I'm 16 nd I'm writing a book too but mines about romance and murder!. listen no matter what people tell you ignore them if you enjoy it keep doing it!. Your style is unique and very good, keep at it and GOOD LUCK! Www@QuestionHome@Com

no offense but this would be better as a comic book
"have almost all of the powers you could think of, from stopping time, to strength"

characters can't have everything!. Good writing style though, nd if you love the characters and love the story then don't stop!. No matter what people say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on if you know where you are going with the story!. If you have a plan for the plot, what happens in the end and everything else in between!. For a twelve-year-old, this is good!. It could use editing in grammar, punctuation, and word use!.

Overall, I think kids your age would like it!. Try it out on your friends and people about your age!. But you should try and make your superhero character less 'super' and more human!.

Best wishes! Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should try and finish the book!. i don't think there is such thing as violation of age in a book- you see what you yourself picture, so it can't be explicit by content!. what makes books rated is their strong vocabularyWww@QuestionHome@Com