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Question: Story idea, need help please!?
hi i'm writing a story about a girl and a boy who meet each other when they're both pretty young!.!.!. he's one year older than her!. her name is aislinn (pronounced ash-ling) wenham!. his name is taylor loller!. they meet at school, and she sticks up for him because his name is a "girl's name" to one of the other kids in the class!. they become friends!.!.!.
ten years later, he's sixteen, she's fifteen, they're best friends!.!.!.
i need an idea for something to happen to them both and they fall in love eventually!? or something like that!.

ideas would be MAGNIFICENT, this is still just a work in progress!. please no put-downs, but constructive criticism would be great!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
how old are these characters!?
no offense, but the whole sticking up/name thing sounds really name!.
taylor is a unisex name!. and it's pretty common among guys!.

ah!. so they're five and six!.!.!.ten years later!.!.!.!.so i guess teh whole name thing is doable!.

ideas: how about they meet when they're really young, like you originally have it, and they become friends!. then one of them moves away!. ten years later, they meet again!. and it falls into a romacne type thing!.!.!.
good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If his name is pronounced Ashling, then how about spelling it that way so the readers are saying it that way in their heads when they read!.

They should probably lose touch for those ten years!. Have one of them move to a different state or something so that they spend some time apart, otherwise it's too much like brother and sister and that's yuk!.

also you need to be careful that Ashling doesn't look like a wimp, letting a girl stick up for him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you could make a war happen in the story, so they have to survive together, and fight back against the invaders!. Something supernatural can happen like they go back in time and have to help some quest or something, or a ghost can come to them!. One of them could get a disease, and the other one goes into crime to save them!.
Make their love passionate, but bumpy!. A tragic tale will make them end up dieing or one of them dieing!. Good luck! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

what's the central conflict!? A plot needs something for the characters to get over, not just a romance!. sounds okay though but just to warn you Aislinn's name is stranger than Tayler!.!.!.!.maybe for the sake of the story just name her Ashley!. And Loller hmm,!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.try looking u last names for whatever ethnicity his family is most!. If he's mostly irish find an Irish last name and so on!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the story sounds pretty lame, anyway, and there is too many stories like it!. It's not your story if someone else comes up with the idea!. Figure it out yourself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try the reverse, now someone is picking on her and He stands up for her, a fight ensues, and he protects her!. Elaborate from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com