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Question: I want to wright a book about something that really happened!?
Is this good so far!? ( it really did happen )
Okay, so there was this cloud that my friend named Kevin, ( after she named it Kevin we had beautiful weather! ) then when she told me that it's name was Kevin ( knowing she isn't the biggest fan of the Jonas Brothers ) I told her that she named it after Kevin Jonas!. When she found out that it's name was the same as a Jonas Brother, she wanted to change it, She was looking For a good name for a cloud, and she came across the name Poppin' Floss, When she found this name She just couldn't wait to tell me that she had a new name for the cloud!. After she named the cloud Poppin' Floss We started having terrible storms!. Does this have anything to do with it!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This could turn out very good, but I wish you luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummm, no offense, but it doesn't really sound like a book i would want to read, unless you find some story to write around the cloud thing!. As for going with a story about something that really happened, you would have to have some cool life experience first!. Maybe if you wrote it as a childs book in a first point of view it might work!.
For example:
One day I saw a cloud!. I named the cloud Kevin!. Kevin made the weather nice!. *next page* The next day, I named the cloud Poppin'Floss!. The weather turned stormy!. Poppin' Floss clearly didn't like his name!. Etc Etc!. lol, but its kinda silly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i mean!. as long as the book isn't
ABOUT the cloud, it could maybe work!.
depending on your skill!. if you're talking
about WRITING a childrens book then maybe
you could angle it right!.

but then again i'm not sure you should
make the refrence to the jonas bros!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

may be kevin the cloud can help you WRIGHT the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL!. Good luck with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um!.!.!.honestly, i don't think so!. just coincidence!. lol please don't write a book about this!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com