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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you think it's sick that Jacob imprinted on Nessie?

Question: Do you think it's sick that Jacob imprinted on Nessie!?
I find it sick, perverted! Maybe not now because he's caring for her as if he's the mother or the "godfather"!.!.!. but I think!.!.!.!. what about when she grows up and starts becoming a little lady!.!.!. will he start looking at her all weird!? I doubt he's wait until she's 18 to start thinking sexual about her!.!.!. don't you guys think that!?!?

Jacob and Embry should have imprinted someone their own age!!! How come nobody imprints on an old guy!?

Your thoughts people, pleaseeee!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you!.

See, people say that Jake/Nessie is fine because Quil/Claire is fine!. I understand their point, but it's not fair to compare Claire/Quil to Nessie/Jake!. Quil and Claire both come from the same culture, and that does make a difference!. Inter-racial marriages are sometimes hard to make work because of cultural differences!. Claire is mortal-- she'll age normally!. That means Quil doesn't have to be immortal!. He'll get to die in time!. He'll have a normal life with her!. He gets to stay with his family and friends-- he'll never have to leave them!. The age thing is gross, but at least he gets a shot at a normal life!.

Jacob, on the other hand!.!.!.
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob!.
He was absolutely against the idea!. He felt like you should be able to fall in love naturally!. He thought you should have the choice!. Jake was all about choice!.
Imprinting robbed him of his free will!. He never would have chosen to end up with Bella's daughter!.
Imprinting caused him to lose his personality!.
On top of that, it's bella's DAUGHTER!. EW! How gross can you get!?!

I felt like the entire situation sucked!. It was a cop-out!. Smeyer had him imprint on Nessie so that Bella could still keep Jake as her best friend!. Blegh!. In the meantime, he's no forced into being Bella's pet dog for all of eternity, is stuck a part of the Cullen family when he didn't want to be, and is now stuck as immortal!.


No, didn't you hear his explanation of imprinting in Eclipse!? He said that when you imprint, it's like you need to protect that person from harm, like a big brother, and when they keep growing it's all brotherly love, but when the child is old enough to fall in love, that's when he becomes the lover and boyfriend!.

Therefore, I don't believe it's sick that he imprinted on her, right now he's just the big brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i thought it was sweet!. Just because he imprinted on her doesnt mean he's just waiting around to marry her now!. He loves her likes she's his little sister!. He wants her to be happy and he will do anything to insure that that happens!.

Jacob is not having sexual fantasies about a 3 year old little girl, if he was then Edward would have murdered him!. I think Jacob might not even marry her, he may just be her protector for life or something like that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um its kinda werid to think that Nessie and Jacob will be together, but when shes little hes like a big brother then a friend to well lover i guess!. which seems werid cuz he did love bella first!. Its kinda ironic now that i think about!. But they will be happy which counts for alot!. And if Nessie and Jacob are happy then so will be Bella and Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it's kinda creepy, but i know it's not meant to be!. which changes it a little!.

but still since jacob won't age as long as he keeps transforming then nessie will catch up and hopefully everyone will just forget that she was ever young!.

i just block that part out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When they imprint, they find their true love!. He doesnt think inappropriately about her, he wants the best for her and truely loves her!. Plus, he isnt aging, and she will eventually stop aging as well!. although it does seem wrong that hes in love with a child, its not something he could have helped or changedWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. And maybe if you guys actually paid attention to the book, you wouldn't either!. Besides, she's growing at a faster rate than a human!. She'll be a full grown woman in seven years!. He won't think of her that way until she needs him that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At first I was disturbed by it but later on I got use to it!. She will have the body and mind of a 21 year old by the time she is 7 and Jacob does not age!. Edward was "17" when Bella was a baby too!. Does that make him a perv!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, its gross and it ruined Jake!. Although she grows fast, by the time she is 7 years young she will stop growing- so technically it will be like Jake having sex with a 7 year old, and that is pedophilia!. GROSS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it's sick, but I don't like the idea!. I mean, Quil imprinted on a two year old, so it's not that uncommon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well no, because he found his true love!.!.!. his was just blinded with Bella until the real thing came along!.
If its meant to be its meant to be!.

PS: I absolutely LOVED Breaking Dawn!
I finished in less then 2 days!!!

Very nasty!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because there ment to be and well she won't age onces she is around his age and he has stopped aging too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah i found it a little weird but i was laughin too hard because of the timing, and irony, i TOTALLY CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Www@QuestionHome@Com

heck yeah!!
and to think he kissed bella first

uhhh duhrrrrr!!! there what 17-18 years apart!?!?!?!!! eve if she grows that fast is still yuck!!! and the whole "nessie" thing!?!?!? ist really stupid but cuite in the same wayWww@QuestionHome@Com