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Question: Breaking Dawn victory!?
This is for all those writers out their but after reading some about Breaking Dawn and how a lot of people thought that it was horrible makes me really feel!.!.!.i dunno!.!.!.HAPPY! I kind of feel like twilight is no more and now the book series that i am in the process of writing actually has a chance of being good and maybe great!. I didn't feel the same when the whole twilight thing was around!.
Who else feels like this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ha! I was thinking the exact same thing! And especially since Breaking Dawn was such a failure! Maybe us writers can get some good books out there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm happy that a lot of people hate it because I think it will make a lot of people realize that the Twilight series isn't all that great!. I'm hoping that the series will now be seen through more critical eyes, and that Breaking Dawn will kill some of the Twilight hype!.

I feel bad that she disappointed her friends, but I won't deny that I'm glad that book sucked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't forget Midnight Sun!.

But i HONESTLY don't see what was so bad about it!?
It was different, yeah!. But i loved it!.
I liked the bit from Jacob's POV
The pregnancy was unexpected but well explained
I could see he was guna imprint on nessie, it was kinda obvious
I loved how the family became more of a family
And the lack of action didn't bother me at all!.

Sorry, i no i didn't answer your question!. Thumb down me if you like!.
But i just felt the need to say my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wat i was disappointed bout the series was dat it had its up & downs like one book was better than then other, & so on

i havent especially read Breaking Dawn but my friend, from her point of view, said it was really good and dat it was the best of them all!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u really think that just cuz twilight is getting a little bad hype now so ur book is gona b amazing then im sorry to say that u seem a little conceded how do u kno that ur book will even be published let alone great!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The last chapter made the book for me!. Edward was able to see into her thoughts for a brief time!. That was amazing and perfect!Www@QuestionHome@Com

iwas happy its a failure because this way people DO like harry potter more than the sagaWww@QuestionHome@Com

ha ha,ya!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah the book wasn't verry good u still got stephen king to watch out for all his books are great Www@QuestionHome@Com