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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I ordered breaking dawn the book at walmart, it hasnt come still.

Question: I ordered breaking dawn the book at walmart, it hasnt come still!.
I ordered it a very long time ago

it says its suppose to come 4-6
it hasnt come today and im just so frustrated since EVERYBODYS been reading it!. DId this ever happnen to any of you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i know, i pre-ordered it from walmart too and it was shipped on the first and was supposed to arrive on the 3rd or 4th but it still isnt here yet because they're shipping like all over the place so now its gonna take longer!.But after 3 days i got fed up and decided to go to target and buy it!.

Noone that I know that preordered the book from anywhere has gotten it yet!. I will definitely never preorder a book after this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um noooo
watch this though

lol weird question hun :D
but yeah it happened to me!.I could read New moon 3 weeks after the release -!.-Www@QuestionHome@Com