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Question: Yes this is another Twilight Series Question!!?
Ok so there are tons of questions about the plot and stuff but I'm just curious who your favorite character from the twilight series is!? Oh there's just one catch, you can't choose Edward or Jacob!. haha But choose a different character so maybe your second favorite!. Anyway who's your favorite character (besides those 2) and why!?

My favorite is Carlisle because of all the good he's done!. Because of him there's another way vampires can live!. He's "raised" all of the Cullens in such a beautiful way!. He's taught them so well!. It's amazing how blood doesn't even phase him!.!.!.and then add in the fact that he's gorgeous! Yep I like Carlisle the best!. Yes, even more than Edward! (shocking I know)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alice!. She's always been my favorite!.
She's funny, smart and sneaky, like a little imp!.

But weird, I took a Twilight Quiz like a month ago and it said I most acted like Carlisle!.

He's great too!.

GASP!.!.!.OMG, more than Edward!?
What has this world come to!?

Just kidding :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to pick Bella!. I kind of act like her I'm a bit clumsy pre-vampire Bella!.

And I have a tendency to think I'm not the greatest looking person in the world and why anyone would want to date me!. But I think Bella is a good person and is very conflicted easily!. And she has a Jacob and an Edward in her life and I kind of have that to!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either Carlisle or Alice!.

Carlisle is so peaceful!.!.!.he hates violence!.!.!.and he's always so kind to everyone!.

Alice is so upbeat most of the time, but she's also so dramatic at times!. I think she's hilarious!.

I also really like Seth!.!.!.when Edward said he had one of the sincerest, kindest minds, I thought that was awesome!. Nothing gets to me like sincerity!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha good question! My favorite character by far is deff!. Alice Cullen!. I chose her because she has a good heart (yes vamps can have hearts too!) and because shes so nice to bella!. And she can see the future (kick ***)! also because of what she does in Breaking Dawn and basically saves everyones asses! Alice is just amazing, :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just love Alice! She's awesome! She's smart, alive, energetic, and pixie-like! I just love her!

My third would be Emmett and my fourth would be Carlisle! ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Alice before SM ruined her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com