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Question: The Host by Stephenie Meyer
What is it about!?
Does it have any vampires in it!?
Because Twilight series was awesome(:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its about like Alien souls taking over our planet and this one soul who has been in 7 other species in the universe has been put into a human body!. Her name is Wanderer, but the souls name is Melina i think!. And turns out Melina is very strong so she lingers in Wanderers thoughts!. So, she makes many sacrifices for Melina!. And turns out that these two people in one body love the same person, which is a total mix up!.!.!.
its not as addicting as Twilight but it is amazing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Heyah =]

The Host is very nearly my favourite book after the Twilight series, however it has nothing to do with vampires!.

It is about alien "souls" who have come to Earth and take over human bodies, making them do their bidding!. Some humans begin to realise what is going on and go into hiding, however it it hard for them to live as it is difficult to get food and water!. However, one of the survivors nieces, Melanie Stryder, has been caught and has been replaced by a host, however instead of disapperaring completely, she shares her mind with the new soul!. She shows the soul how what the aliens are doing is wrong, and together they set of to try and find the survivors and help them!. However, it is very hard for the humans to trust her!.

I could go on for ages, but dont want to ruin it too much! =P

It has a nice, of unexpected ending though!
I hope you read it - and hope this helps!


I really liked The Host!. The beginning was sort of slow but it definatley got a lot better!. It's about how these 'souls' took over people's bodies and after a while the souls have complete control of their human or 'host'!. Wanderer, a soul, gets a host named Melanie who does not fade!. The soul can still hear her thoughts!. Wanderer hears her thoughts of Jared, a man Melanie loves, and learns his story!. They go off together to find him!. It turns into a pretty crazy adventure!.
No, there are no vampires in it!. It is a book for adults but there are no inappropriote scenes in it!. Just because you liked the Twilight series doesn't mean that you will also like The Host!. The Host is more science fiction!.

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, it isn't about vampires!. it's about souls, who can't survive without a host body!. they've gone all over the universe taking over different planets and using species on those planets as their hosts!. now they're on earth taking over the humans!.
most humans are hosts, but there are a few rebels!. melanie is one of these rebels, but she gets captured by the souls and a soul, called wanderer, is put into her!.
at first, melanie and wanderer hate each other, but they eventually become good friends!.

here's a better explanation, with the ending included:


if you can, read it!. it's really good!. you can read it right here:


The host is about these "souls" that take over earth!. the narrator is a soul but she can still hear the thoughts from the humans body she took over (which is not normal!.!.) Together her and the human find where the humans family had been hiding from the souls!. in time she comes to like (love, even) the humans and wants to help them!.
there is no vampires, srry!.
its not as good as twilight in my opinion but still worth ur time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First she has a page for 'The Host' on her site, but anyway!. It's about when aliens take over the world and are put in 'wild humans' (that would be us I suppose!.) To get more detailed it's about a human girl who is captured and the ailen is put inside her (like in her mind!.) The alien is supposed to find the information in the girl's mind that tells where the last human colony is!.

And yes the 'Twilight' series rocks the shoe box!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its about these "souls" that invaded earth and get into peoples bodies!. then this one soul cant take over the body and she can still hear the real person!. then there are a couple of humans still left and the one soul helps them survive and stuff!. i really liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no it has aliens though!.!.!.!. IT'S FREAKN AWESOME!


It's scifi, no vampires!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've no idea, but judging by the title, it reminds me of ghosts!. Like spirits finding a host body or something!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no its about aliens that take over peoples minds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

google itWww@QuestionHome@Com

check Steph's site -http://stepheniemeyer!.com/thehost!.htmlWww@QuestionHome@Com