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Question: Who else writes books like James Patterson!?
I just love the romance/drama books he wrote like "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas" and "Sam's Letters to Jennifer"!. Because he mostly writes murder/mystery I was wondering who else might write books like James Patterson that I might enjoy to read!? I especially love that the chapters don't go on for miles and that they are actually short and sweet!. Can anyone recommend another author that can write like him!? Thanks!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mary Higgins Clark is very good and writes short chapters!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dan Brown's books have short chapters, are suspenseful and I personally think he's a much better writer than James Patterson, albeit a less prolific one!.

I used to like James Patterson but after having read most of them, I'm starting to find that (with the exception of the ones about the children with wings) they are a bit formulaic!. also, the characters, especially the villains, are a bit one-dimentional and without depth!. Villains that are pure evil can be fun, but they're all the same -- I much prefer Stephen King's complex and realistic characters!.

No offense to James Patterson's fans, I still like James Patterson, just in small doses!. ;-)

As for romance, I can't help you much, not being much of a romance fan!.

I actually found a website that gives a list of authors who write novels with short chapters!. You may find something you'd like there! See source link!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the murder/mystery aspect you could try John Sanford!. I love his books!. They have a main detective Lucas Davenport, just like James Patterson has Alex Cross!.

I don't really like romance books so I don't really know of another author off the top of my head who writes both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com