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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone else dislike Bella from the Twilight series?

Question: Does anyone else dislike Bella from the Twilight series!?
Why or Why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do!. I think SM created/picked the worste character to nararate the series!. She is kind of bratty, incredibly dependant on Edward, and over the course of the series she has lost what she really was about!. Let me do a breif overview, at the begining of the series she actaully had morals!. She did not want to marry early like her mother and have a child!. She had SOME intrest in friends and life outside of Edward Cullen!. I always thought that she would want a job and work or some sort of creative thinking other that Edward!. But at the end, SM destroyed the little hope Bella had!. She did marry early and have a child, the things that she hated and didn't want to do at all!. She isolated herself and lives only for Edward, what kind of life is that!!? She is a pointless closed-minded charcter!. It really makes you wonder what SM is trying to teach the reader!. Does she want us all to forget our lives and live only for your man, some moral!. Bella i think had hope, but was ruined by SM and lost every moral in her!. And bella is constantly whiny!. I dislike her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes I like her, sometimes I don't!.

I find Bella to be a pretty weak heroine--she is overly dependent and whiny and a bit ungrateful!. All that bothered me about her because in the course of the series she isolated herself greatly from everyone else--a trait which I'm not a fan of in real life!. I don't like her "obsession" with Edward--it was almost crippling for her!.

I did like her better in Breaking Dawn because she seemed to have more of a back-bone and a stronger sense of self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Overall I like her!. I was so glad that she quit being such a whiny, indesicive baby in the final book!.

She kind of irritated me going back and forth between Edward and Jacob, espeically the way she kept using Jacob love for her to try and keep him from fighting when she really had no romantic interest for him!.

I still cannot see her appeal to Edward, Jacob and all the boys in Fork High School!. Okay, maybe Edward I can understand because of the whole 'la tua cantante' thing, but everyone else!? Meyer illustrates that she is definitely 'plain jane' so I could not see her appeal to all the other males in the story!. Okay, maybe that was more than you asked for : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I like her!. She's a little annoying, but she's down to earth and sweet!. She's not like those other annoying teenagers who care about how they look!. She's great in her own way!. I was going to say she's really weak, but she turns into a vampire in Breaking Dawn, and she becomes stronger than Edward!!! She's an awesome character, and I personally like her!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, i hated her in eclipse because she is just so ungrateful!. Edward was so sweet when he proposed to her and she was really mean to him!. but i liked her in breaking dawn!. she wasn't so bratty and she stopped being all concerned with who she loves, jacob or edward and oh, i don't want to hurt jake's feelings!. overall, she is okay, i guessWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have mixed feelings for her, sometimes I like her!.!. other times i don't!. she really got on my nerves when she hurt jacob and in Breaking Dawn she got on my nerves when she didn't want to give her freaky little baby up!. I would like the book SO much better without a baby!.
besides edward hates the baby or something, because of the little contact and love that he shows herWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really have an opinion on this!. I like her!.!.!.I think everyone who's read all the books has to like her or they wouldn't have been able so stand reading all 4 books!. But her choices and her dependency on Edward (in the first three books at least) bug me!.!.!.so I can't really say either way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, she gets on my nerves sometimes because she doesn't try and be friends with other people, She HURT Jacob and that pissed me off, she was being selfish when she knew he loves her and she still was his friend!.!. But overall i do like her Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, she is the sparkly vampire queen of Mary Sues, so yes, of course!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate to love her!.
She's too much like me
For me to hate!.

meh its cuz shes got "everything" i sposeWww@QuestionHome@Com