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Question: Idea about the twilight series
who thinks its a good idea for stephanie meyer do new moon in jacob's perspective and do another series of twilight but instead of bella and edward, its her daughter and jacob when she's older!. like probably the first book could be in jacob's pont of view and the rest is in bella's daughter point of view!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although the fans would most likely love it if Stephenie wrote another Twilight book, she said in a recent interview with MTV, "I don't know if I'll be able to leave all the characters behind!. There are so many stories there!. While I plan to do some other things first, I may come back to it!."
I know that I would love it if she wrote another!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie said that she would probably continue on with different characters and i have a feeling that she means to do jacob and renesmee's story!. I would love it!.I dont think that she would do new moon in jacob's perspective because she has now moved him on from bella to renesmee!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really think that it is a good idea because jacob is a werewolf and Bella's daughter might go through the same problem that Bella faced and i don't think that readers might want to buy a book with a similar storyline!. But that is my opinion, i am not sure what other people think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really hope she countinues it and re writes the whole series by edwards POV instead of just breaking dawn but i dont think she will do new moon in jacobs POV beause he was moved on from bella to renesmeeeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I kinda hope she doesn't!.!.!. I'd rather more of the older Cullens

Bella, Edward, Alice and Jasper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that's a great idea! xD i would love to hear what happened to Jacob And Nessie!.!.! xD Www@QuestionHome@Com