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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think of my short story? (its pretty short so it won't take long

Question: What do you think of my short story!? (its pretty short so it won't take long to read!)
Creases in Jeans

They say when a Granma enters the door, discipline flies out the window but that is merely saying the least in my daughter’s household!. When Gran comes to stay, tummies are filled with delicious home made cookies, beds are made and all stress vanishes, in fact so does the huge stacks of dishes along with the endless piles of laundry!. You would think 20 years of parenting and my job is complete!. Children- just one more thing ticked of on life’s shopping list!. 20 years filled with smelly nappies, trips to the principals office and wild screaming matches with argumentative teenagers and my not-so-darling daughter is still putting her hands out for eternal favours!. Revenge is about to take place!. Why do grandparents get on so well with their grandkids!? Simple, they share a common enemy!. Today that enemy is going to face her biggest showdown yet!.

Tick-tock!. Tick-tock!. The iron hissed like an angry snake as it slithered across the overly expensive pair of Levi boot leg jeans!. My grand kids, shoulder to shoulder on the back of the couch, giggled eagerly as I folded the jeans!. Carefully, I positioned them in a perfectly symmetrical square on top of the huge pile of my daughter’s ironed clothes!. Tick-tock!. Tick-tock!. I joined my grand kids on the couch, all of our eyes fixed on the wall clock!. “When mom gets home,” I instructed them, “look normal and try not to laugh”!. Of course I knew that was impossible, but where’s the fun in being a kid with out false expectations!? Tick-tock!. Tick-tock!.

Car wheels clattered over the pebbly driveway!. My precious daughter had arrived home from her all-day shopping trip!. The door handle creaked open!. I twitched my hand upwards, and as we’d planned the children followed the signal and made to be busy!. “Hi Mum” they chorused as she entered the room!. I clung on to my walking stick, looking as frail as ever as the reflection of the ice cold she gave to the pile of washing reflected around the room!. She ran her long painted finger nail along the crease in the middle of the jeans!. She then gave one of those looks that too fully appreciate you have to see with your own eyes!. It was of bitter annoyance blanketed in complete helplessness!. I knew when the corner of her lips twitched upwards and she gave me the classic put on smile, followed by the mumbled words “Thanks for the ironing Jan”, my role as grandma would never be abused again!. It was official; plane “Creases in Jeans” was a success!.

Any constructive critisism!?!? Don't be afraid to be completly critical!. It was for english and it only took me 45 minutes!. also how old would you expect the person who wrote it too be (me)!?

Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not too bad, but as Moliere was once quoted saying, time is of no matter when writing!. I'd say you were around 13, with spelling and punctuation being one of your major let downs!. Though you do have some great descriptions and use some sophisticated language!. Keep it up! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds a bit like you have copied someone but otherwise its brilliant!.

P!.S It sounds like you copied an Author!Www@QuestionHome@Com

excellent! awesome! outstanding! i didn't actually read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think its excellent i hope you got an A
im glad it didnt take longer for you but if it did how much better would it be!?

id expect someone over 18Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cant be more than 14!.
If you are that young, you gonna go places!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say you were!.!.!.14!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I first began, I was like "oh noooo, *groan*"

But that is the fun of this piece- it uses cliche's to catch the reader off guard!.

I like your humor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of errors, it needs a really good deep editing!.
also, the story doesn't seem to make any sense!.
If I were grading this for an English class, you'd fail miserably!.

The best thing to do is to break it down into individual sentences and edit them alone!. You're going to find the mistakes if you read each sentence by themselves!.
Then put them into paragraphs and edit them as a whole!.

And, if I had to take a guess at the author's age, I'd say around 12-15 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!. It's sort of hard to follow and I think you should explain what is happening more!. I like how you wrote it though I am sure it would be great if you wrote more!. I think you are around 15 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sure ain't no literary critic but I would have to say that you got real talent - I am truly impressed!

Keep working at it, you got real potential too honey!

How old are you - if I may be so blunt!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keep writing, this sounds great!. Have you joined a writing community!?

I'm on a free writing site called http://chapteread!.com/ They have great features for receiving feedback!. They have a private writing area - which i use all the time! It really easy and organized!. Worth checking out!Www@QuestionHome@Com