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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why are books so good? Why do we need them? Why do they influence us so?

Question: Why are books so good!? Why do we need them!? Why do they influence us so!?
I am an avid reader, and i know how a book can affect you!. Crying, laughing, loving, hating!.
I love them, some people hate them!. Why!?
For those that LOVE to read as i do!.!.!.!.!.
Why: What do they give you!?
Why do you read!?

For those that hate it, why!?
What is it about reading that puts you off!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am also an avid reader!. I love to read!. I do it every day, and once I start a book, I can't put it down!.
A book is an amazing object; holding more than anything else in the world!.
They give us knowledge, of the world, and other things!. They teach us, giving us lessons, showing us morals, showing us life!.
I read for the enjoyment and pleasure of it!. Reading helps me with my vocabulary and writing, but that's not why I read!. I read because I want to!. Because the books create a scene inside my head, showing me steps, guiding me through it!.
It's hard to explain!.
A book is an amazing inanimate object!.
I guess I like reading because when reading a book, the book paints a picture in my head!. It's like a movie, the books are so descriptive that it etches photos into my head, I start imagining the characters myself, playing it over and over again in my head along with the book!.
I also, know how to escape to the wonderful places that authors create!. It's a wonderful pleasure to me, knowing what it feels like to understand the book as if you wrote it yourself!.
Books can take you to a different place, a world of your own!. It's amazing, how books have that affect on you, no!? That's the joy of reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess people hate books because they don't want to explore beneath the pages of a true author that they are so convinced that books are something linked to education!. But, to me, it's my own world where I can be a snob in one book, analytical in another, anything that I will experience in the future!. And you get to see the consequences of handling them the wrong way!. Books give me sense of who I am and how these characters relate to me!. For example, I know my personality is exactly like Bella Swan from Twilight!. We're both very analytical, strong, controling, and stubborn!. It also helps me realize what the right path is!. And, I read becaus eit gives me a chance to venture into my unknown and meet other new characters!. Even though Im only in the eighth grade, I have read a lot!. Pride and Prejudice 14 times, Wuthering Heights 9, The Twilight Saga !.!.!. I've lost count but it's a chance tp get to know other people but more importantly yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love a good story, especially one that I can relate to!. I can sit and read for hours on end!. I can imagine all the things that are happening in the books I read, even the nonfiction ones!. Non fiction, like history and stuff can be pretty good, though it isn't my favorite!. I try to imagine what I would do in the characters' situations!. I think people that hate them just don't have the time or the imagination or attention span!. I feel sorry for them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I inhale books!. It's crazy, nobody else in my family read except for me!. And I can't understand why people would hate it!.
They give me an escape from reality!. If i'm bored they give me something to do!. They also provide entertainment, it's like watching a movie or a tv show!. Except I actually learn while doing it like new vocabulary!.
I read because its fun and once you're addicted you can't stop!. I'm only 17, so I have many new books/authors/genres to get into and i'm pretty excited about that!. :)

I, as well, am a literary addict!. As for what they give to me, they give an escape from monotonous, ordinary life and offer us more!. More adventure, more humour, more romance, and everything we may be lacking!. I read because I find a truly wonderful novel can absolutely take me to another place where I share every emotion and experience with the characters!. I feel their happiness, their heartbreak,their terror!. In a way, I become that character!. I become immersed in the novel and am unable to detatch myself!. A good novel is everything I have ever wanted in the palm of my hand!. A good novel is as much their adventure as mine!. I suppose I read because I adore the fresh sensation of travelling to another place in another time!. I read because I love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as long as it is well-written, with very realistic characters and an understandable plot, books can make images and stories that are really just text!. what makes a book good in one's eyes is if it makes the reader enter a subconcious state, where it seems like you are the main character!. if someone cannot enter this subconsiousness of reading, then he or she naturally dislikes reading!.

i would have to agree with whay you said about fictional books!. the great thing about fiction is it has an unkown ending that you can't guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is similar to asking- why does one dream!?
As another has mentioned before me, reality is suffocating!.
And as humans we need release, an escape from the real-world!. So we take pleasure in reading about one different from our own!. Just as dreaming, in reading, we see pictures in our minds!. We paint the scenery and imagine the characters vividly!.
In simpler terms!.
We read because deep inside we 'all' long for something more!. A book is just about the only thing that can deliver that to you these days!.

You know when you've been reading a great book for a couple of hours and haven't realised the time slipping past; when you look up and gaze about yourself because you've come back into the physical world you hadn't known you had been so wholly absent from until you take a minute to re-recognise everything around you!? That's why I read!.

I literally can't understand why some people don't like to read anything, fiction or non-fiction!. They are missing out!. Great question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoy exercising my mind and beliefs through reading, and also, gaining intelligence and imagination!.

I read a lot during summer vacation so I'm not a complete basket case when I return to school!. I also practice writing everyday (with hopes of gaining a successful future in the area)!.


We need them because reality is suffocating!. Who hasn't had a bad day!? Who hasn't wished their life was more exciting!? Books are a kind of escape from that!. We go with the characters through the story; we face what they face!. Sometimes, we face what could never possibly happen in real life!. That's excitement!.

It's rather sad that books these days rarely have enough original material in them!. We don't want to take the same adventure over and over again!.
I suppose that's why I write as well!. I write what I would want to read!.


I love 2 read my brother calls me a geek!! I hate that but i dont care i love 2 read and that dosnt mean anything!

They give me Happy, Sad, Funny, times that i like and!
I read because when i have problems i just read and it takes away whatever i have a prob!. in!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love to read, probably because i love painting my own pictures rather than the TV doing it for me!.
i'm really into the arts/literature!. guess it's just me and who i am!.
a good book can have me till the last page is turned!.
haha, the internet can have me for hours too =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love reading!. I usually like to put myself in one of the characters shoes and it is almost like you are experiencing the things they are experiencing at the same time!. I learn so much through reading and it is something that i truly enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books take you to a whole different world!. It's fun to experience someone else's life other than your own for a change!. Anything can happen in someone else's life!. Thats why it's so fun for me to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books give us the pleasure and also they educate us!. Every book teaches us life lessons, along with academic ones!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I learn everyday reading books!.
It's a good point in all related to our mental health!.Www@QuestionHome@Com