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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who wrote the play Medea? Why did he write this play? What was your first reacti

Question: Who wrote the play Medea!? Why did he write this play!? What was your first reaction after reading this play!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Medea was written by Euripides and first performed in 431 BC!. It's based on a popular Greek myth, as many plays of the time were!. It was written for the Dionysia festival, where it won third prize (out of three) - a little shocking considering what an enduring classic (nearly 2500 years!) it has become!.

It has been a long time since I first read it, but I remember my reaction being "Awesome!" Medea, like most of Euripides's plays, is seriously hardcore and leaves you feeling kind of like someone just punched you pretty hard in the gut!. The language is beautiful and the plot is full of love and betrayal and gruesome revenge!. She kills her own children in the end!. Like I said, it's pretty hardcore, and very, very good!.
