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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Which OPTION do you PREFER for that STORY?

Question: Which OPTION do you PREFER for that STORY!?
I'm writing a story about a very beautiful female doctor named Jamie who lives in La Jolla ( San Diego )!. In the last part of this story, Jamie lost one leg as a result of a shark attack and therefore she died of massive bleeding when she was on the way to hospital!. But I appreciate that character very much and I'm thinking to give her a second chance!.
Instead of dying, I'm thinking that she will save her life although she will lose one of her legs!. Jamie had a lot of life insurances for that reason, she will recibe millions of dollars!. Scott will quit his job to take care of his beloved Jamie full time!.The two will have an endless love story and more passion because they are more in love now than before the attack!. And Jamie although losing one leg will be as hot as ever!. Which option do you prefer for this story:1) The first one when Jamie dies as a result of the shark attack or 2) the second one in which Jamie survives to the attack and has a very happy life with her boyfriend Scott!? Please, CHOOSE one!!
Thank you very much!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Let her die!. Its a shame, but it leaves the reader behind with some more!.!.!.!. eh!.!.!.!. well, as one answerer said, it's just more cheesy to let her live!. The drama is probably more unexpected and therefore better!.
You might also leave the end open, so that the reader will never find out, and has to fill in the rest himself!.
That way, you can always write an other story about Jamie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When she dies!. The second ending that you gave is just too cheesy for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com