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Question: Harry potter question!.!.!.!.
i no dis is kinda late, but anyways -
in d American edition cover of DH, where r Harry and Voldemort!?
if its d end, how come Voldy's gt his wand n how come u can see d sky abv!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's the Great Hall of Hogwarts!.
You can see the sky because dawn is coming, and the Great Hall's ceiling is bewitched to imitate the weather outside!.
Voldemort and Harry haven't dueled yet!. They're preparing for it, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harrys on the front voldemorts on the back
voldemort doesnt have his wand, harry is reaching up to get it
you can see the sky because theyre in the great hall where the ceiling is enchanted to look like the sky looks!.

well, in the great hall the ceiling IS bewitched to look like the sky outside!.!.!.!.!.maybe they got carried away and made it TOO realistic!?!!?!!?
there isnt anywhere else they could be next to each other and harry doing that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish i could answer but i havent seen the american coverWww@QuestionHome@Com

The're in Great Hall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the first answer was really good!.!.!.!.

but I don't buy it!.

Firs', the Great Hall isn' round, like the walls aroun' Harry an' Voldy in the picture!.

Then, there's all o' those arches!. The Great Hall has more'n one doorway, but it's two or three, not twenny or thirty!.

Then, there's all o' the columns - somethin' never mentioned in the books, and seems like with all o' the arches like it would be kinda silly, even with that overhangin' architrave!.!.!.

In fact, it looks teh me more like some kinda arena, except that Harry wasn't foolin' around with any arena in book 7!.

Maybe it could be *outside* o' Hogwarts, when the centaurs attack an' Harry quits fakin' bein' dead!. That still doesn' explain what that Roman/Greek lookin' structure is, though!. It *is* sorta similar to the cover of book one!.

Maybe the artist was paintin' somethin' - some buildin' - that she was lookin' at, that has absolutely nothin' whatsoever teh do with the story!. That's what I think!.

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