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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Y is every one bashing the twilight series???

Question: Y is every one bashing the twilight series!?!?!?
i personally love the books and i think that all the negative hype is ruining it just let us hav our fun with the books and keep ur negativity to urself we dont go around bashing all ur fav books now do we!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree!. To each his own!. I LOVED the books, but some people may not have, I don't give them greef for not liking them they shouldn't give me greef about liking them!.
I can understand getting tired of reading and hearing about it, but if they really didn't want to they didn't have to!. Change the channel, flip the page, go to the next question!.!.!.!.etc!. give us a break!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm one of the people who bashes the Twilight series and I have a lot of reasons!. Personally, I don't think it is well written and does not deserve all the hype!. But really, my real reason is because of the messages the book Twilight promote: I don't think they are healthy!. So I am doing my best to show people that the relationships portrayed in the novel are not healthy or romantic!. Bella and Edward's relationship is creepy and obsessive!. He pretty much sees her as a piece of meat (literally, he wants to eat her)!. He then stalks her and watches her while she sleeps (which is illegal and creepy, not romantic)!. Finally, when they do "fall in love" he tries to control her decisions and uses his strength to control her!. None of this is romantic and to those who say "he is doing it because he loves her" or "he's just trying to protect her", you do realize that those are reasons people in abusive relationships use to justify staying with an abusive partner!? So in conclusion, I "bash" the books because I want to educate people on how this relationship is not healthy and girls should not go looking for an Edward because really, it scares me that girls are falling in love with a fictional character who crosses the line between romantic and creepy/abusive!.

also, if you really love the series, you can go on loving it, I don't think my opinion should stop you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that Twilight is a poor example for young girls!. It features a spineless wimp who falls in love with a vampire for no apparent reason!. That vampire, by the way, is controlling and manipulative!. Not to mention that the writing is horrible! Who wants to read about someone cooking dinner!? I want to know what's going on in the character's head, to know what they're feeling!. None of that is portrayed!. Sure, you don't go around bashing my favorite books, but I don't read books that portray a negative image of young love (and I don't gush on and on about my books and ask the same question 20 times)!. I like reading books that have inspiring, strong female characters that fall in love for the right reasons!. Oh, and by the way, asking this question is just going to bring a whole bunch of Twilight negativity your way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite books have intriguing plots that are consistent, but original, throughout the series!. My favorite books have authors intent on something more than increasing their bank accounts!. My favorite books have well-rounded, believable, realistic characters!. My favorite books do not have self-absorbed main characters with low self esteem that do absolutely nothing but hurt people and yet somehow still have guys tripping over themselves in order to get at her!.

If you can prove that your book has/doesn't have any of those, then I promise you, I will stop bashing it and convert to a Twihard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the series (haven't read Breaking Dawn yet), but it can be in your face!. Seriously, we don't need all these questions about the books, most are just a repeat of what someone else ask!. It's okay for people to like what they like but gosh these questions show up EVERYDAY and it kind of pisses others off and so yeah they'll bash it in hopes that the questions will stop!. Again I love the Twilight series just as much as the next person, but I think it's annoying when it's your face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you need to learn what an opinion is!.

If you can say you love it, I can say I hate it!. That's the wondrous part of living in America-- free speech!. Sticks and stones, love!. Extend the same rights to others that you extend to yourself!. Not everyone is going to give a glowing review!.

Using your line of reasoning, I could turn around and say:
"I personally hate the books and I think all the positive hype is too annoying!. So people should just shut up about the books and keep their positive reviews to themselves!"!.

Logic, my friend!. It's a wonderful thing when you use it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use to absolutely adore the Twilight series!.!.!. before I read Breaking Dawn!. I thought it was the worst book I'd ever forced myself through- it was so boring!.
The writing has always been at a low standard in Stephenie Meyer's books; however the storyline engaged me but Breaking Dawn's plot was dull and anticlimactic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cause they have nothing else to do!. I completely agree with you!. Still keep love for the Twilight series alive though!!! I love those books also!. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but all this bashing is annoying!. They need to keep their negativity to themselves!. I agree wholeheartedly!!!!!!!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ah well im not trying to "bash" anything,but it does get quite annoying when everyone post the same question about the series,and also it is quite annoying when just about everyone who read the first book is all like OH MY GOD I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THE TWILIGHT SERIES! ITS THE BEST THING EVER WRITEN BY A HUMAN! I LOVE IT! yeah that ets on my nerves because theres so many overly obsessive people about the book!
come on its just a book! there are plenty of others out there! i mean seriously!
i liked the twilight series,but im not obessesive about it,if i was then id be through witht the series,but im not i havent even read the third book! im not paying like 20$ for some book i could pay 6$ for if i just wait for paperback!.

and i also agree with the person above me :}Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have NO idea, i love them, its the first romance kinda novels i ever read!.
I picked up the first one coz it was supernatural, but had a love story, which i don't normally go for!. And i will NEVER regret the desicion!.

I think theyre brill, yeah, so what, maybe they are a little far fetched, but no more so than walking through walls to get to a train to wizard school is!.

Go Stephenie Meyer!.

And i LOVE Breaking Dawn aswel, i don't the problem with it!.
Think it might even be my fave out of all four!.

But each person is entitled to their own opinion!.
And i'm glad, it would so cr@p to have everyone hate and like the same things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why!. I got a little frustrated with the final "battle" scene!. I think it was too long, like so other parts!. But over all, I thought it was good!. When two characters can live forever, how do you write a perfect ending!? I thought her ending was better than to be expected!. The last chapter really made the book for me!. He was able to see into her mind!. I loved that!

Where did you hear "every one['s] bashing!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think what really disappoints people is they got this book and thought wow this is going to be good!.!.!. this is going to be different from every other book I read, but it wasn't!. Sorry but there aren't many different ways to write a romance novel, they fall in love, struggle fight for love and then they succeed!.!.!.!.or die, like romeo and Juliet, its all been written before!. Thats why it wasn't exciting!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read the twilight series, and i liked the first three books!. I was really excited about the 4th book, but then when i read it, it just didnt seem right!. I dont know is SM was rushed or what, but I wasnt too happy with it!. It was good, but not her best!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

scuse me!?
noone's interrupting 'your fun'
people are allowed to speak their opinions, just like you fangirls!.

sorry love!. you have no control over what goes on the web!. and if you have a problem with that, i suggest you try staying off of it for a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it exists and the people who bash them are literary critics!. Twilight may appeal to the average person, but only classics (and not all of those) can stand against the mighty critic!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freedom of speech!. You say for us not to be negative!. Okay!. If you can say that and expect us to do so, then I say DON'T BE POSITIVE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

mainly because of the pedophilia, but that's just the tip of the icebergWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like the books!. Don't pay any attention to the negative hype!. I never care what anyone says!. I like them & thats that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

coz people think that the last book ruined the series but actually i rather liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of you do, just as some of you try to shove your sparkly fandom down our throats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are bad!. Only good authors can pull off creepy storylines and cliche concepts well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because its dumb the first three books are only about omg!? is he going to turn her into a vampire *tears* hes not ( wahh wahh wahh)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I agree with aduhhx even though I love the books!.!.!.


lol that may be true!. Idk why but i'm going to find outWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com