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Question: Help me with my writing
I love to write stories but my problem is I tend to start a story but not finish it
I was writing a story about a disease spreding across the world and it was the story of the survivors
but it is not that original
i was going to make it different
anyway i put it down because i think i messed up in the first capture and revealed to much
I could have changed it but i was thinking of doing a more original idea
My question is
Do you think I should do my old story or do a more orignal one
And if you think I should start a new story
how do I overcome the writing block and if you wrote a book how did you start it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On starting your book, begin with a bang, in either the scene or your writing!. Draw the reader in and don't let them find a way out!. Any story can be made original in the way it is told!. I have read many, many beginnings to stories that sound interesting, but the writing doesn't! I will read a bad or cliched story if the author took time to say it in a way that comes across as original and sincere!.

You should start with whatever you feel the most comfortable with!. Many authors write a few novels that they put away, never planning to publish them because they are just practice works!. You won't lose anything by writing your story, and you will gain valuable experience in the process that will help you later on if you are ever planning on publishing your work!.

The important thing to remember is that you can always change something if you don't like how it turned out!. That is a specific right you are entitled to as the writer and creator of your world!. You can do whatever you want to with it and the characters you have created!. There are always revisions that you can do later on to make the story better!. It is much easier to work with something you have down that come up with it from scratch!.

I personally enjoy reading books about diseases spreading or the end of the world or whatever your tale involves!. But tell it in an original way and it won't matter that it has been done a hundred thousand times before!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no new ideas!.

I think there will always be a market for those "end of the world" type stories (I love them)!.

You'll never get the whole book all written and perfect in the first draft so don't even try!. You'll probably find you need a whole rewrite anyway, so go with it!. That's the hard work of being a writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm on a free writing site called http://chapteread!.com/ They have great features for receiving feedback!. Perhaps if you received feedback then you may be encouraged to finish!. The site has a private writing area - which i use all the time! It really easy and organized!. Worth checking out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wrote a book called ' Do Your Own Thing: Pay It No Mind'!.
It has a lot of great tips on how to be original and unique when writing your own stories!. Look for it in the 'reference' section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is find Www@QuestionHome@Com