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Question: What are the titles of these books!?
I have read a couple of books and I now really wish to re-read them!. They're really great books, and I can't remember their titles! I was hoping someone on here may have a clue to what the titles are!.

The first book I read in 5th grade, though it's surely 7th grade or higher level reading (it seems that "Time" is somewhere in the title):

The book starts off - I remember this distinctly - with a girl looking in the mirror!. She's thinking of all the ways that she's not perfect!. She and her dad are moving in with her new step-mom and step-siblings (one girl, one boy)!. It's a mansion, I think, that they move to!.
She falls for the boy, and discovers a secret about the family: none of them age!. The mom talked to this gypsy woman and she made it so they would never age!. She and her two children are very, very old!.
At the end, I remember that the step-mom and step-brother die in a car accident!. They try and kill her by locking her in a shed and setting it on fire, but she gets out with the help of her step-sister!.
The epilogue, or something like that, shows the main character very old while her step-sister is still her teenage self, playing with her family!.

The second book I read during middle school!. It's more straight-forward, I think:

It starts off with two twins!. One's a girl, one's a boy!. The boy dares the girl to sneak over to their neighbors house!. No one lives there, and it's supposed to be haunted!.
She goes over to the house, but as she goes she becomes this!.!.!. other girl!. And she starts remembering all these memories of herself and this farm-hand!. She's a rich lady living in the house, and there's a particular flash-back when she and her lover are kissing and her father nearly intrudes on them!.
She's not supposed to be in love with him!.
The twin gets shocked into reality again, and runs back to her house, but can't stay away from the historic house for long!.
She goes back, and discovers a thrilling murder!.
The barn was set ablaze while the farm-hand was inside (the rich lady's dad found out about the affair and tried killing him), but the girl ran inside to save him!. It ended up that the girl died instead of the farm-hand in the fire!.
The girl and her twin try to find out why she keeps having these flashbacks, and tries to figure out the mystery of what happened!.

If anyone knows the titles - or even has any idea of what they could be - please post!. :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first book is called "Locked in Time" by Lois Duncan!. I started reading that book last year but never got around to finish it!.
I'm sorry I can't remember the title of the second book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No i don't know of any titles but they do sound interesting


i believe the first one is the face on the milk cartonWww@QuestionHome@Com