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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Esme's lullaby in the new Twilight film.

Question: Esme's lullaby in the new Twilight film!.
I've heard rumours that it's going to be 'River Flows In You' by Yurima!.
I think it's a beautiful piece of piano, and couldn't think of a piece more suited!.
But does anyone know for certain!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok its really Bella's Lullaby that will be in the movie and that is the one Edward wrote for Bella obviously and Robert Pattinson will write it himself!.

As far a peice for Esme the story goes that Edward wrote a peice that was Esme's favorite!. If that will be in the movie who knows!. But http://new!.mtv!.com has an interview from comic-con with the Director and Stephenie Meyer about Robert Pattinson having more than just Bella's Lullaby in the movie supposedly he has written a few peices for the movie and apprently played them in the movie but they've cut it out or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think there is a Esmes lullaby!. But for Bellas lullaby, Robert is writting it himself!.
Esme doesnt have alullaby but one of the songs she wrote is Edwards favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wouldn't it be edward's lullaby!.!?
i'm confused!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oooh that is really pretty!
where did you hear those rumors!? I hope its true!.!.!. why is it Esme's lullaby though!?Www@QuestionHome@Com