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Question: Breaking dawn!!?!!?!!?!!?!
ok so i fin ished part one and i loved it but when i relized that there was a part to with jacob i totally lost intrest and i stopped reading is part two good even though i like edward is it still ok!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES!!!! girl, i know EXACTLY what you mean!!! i put the book down for a few minutes when it was a JACOB part, because i mena, i HATED JACOB!! LOL!!

basically though, when jacob's book is done, you'll love jacob!. trust me, i changed from hating him to really appreciating him!!!

and the first chapter in jacob's book is not all that interesting!. dont get me wrong its still great but moves kinda slow!. but trust me, around the second chapter, things heat up and youll be surprised how interesting jacob gets!! i totally loved jacob's part in the book even though at first i wasnt feelin it!

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You MUST read all parts of the story to get the full effect of it!. I don't understand why Stephenie Meyer decided to tell part of the story from jacobs perspective, it seems like a waste, but it isn't that bad, and it does help with understanding the story!. So please read all parts of the story, it will make it a better reading experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You shouldn't skip part two, it's actually pretty short, and it has lots of important stuff in it!. Edward is in part two, so is Bella, especially Bella, she's in it a lot!. And you get to see a side of Edward that never showed up in the other books!. The only parts I thought was boring were the pack conversations, but I stronly advise you not to skip them!. You'll miss out on lots if you do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did the same at first until I realized that there was ALOT I missed in Jacob's part!. I guess it really doesn't matter even if you skipped it alot cuz when Bella's part starts again, shes at the Cullen's and is giving birth!. Basically, I think it was about Jacob and Leah stuff then he hears about Bella's pregnancy!. I do recommend that you read Jacob's part though!. Hope this helped ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i finished part one i was a little disappointed that it went to jacobs POV ( no doubt an Edward fan)!. the only reason why i read it was because i knew it had a lot to do with the story!.Seriously you should read it!. it was actually really funny, the way jacob thinks!. plus you get to hear inside the minds of seth and leah!. I really liked that part and i think you would too!.

Heyahh =]

I was exactly the same! I got really bored for a while during Jacobs perspective and was like - whats going on here!?

But seriously keep reading! It gets a lot better and you need ot know what happens in part 2 to understand the rest!

It really will draw your attention after a while!



Yes it is ok, Edward is not the only person in the story if you skip part 2 you will miss alot!.

You Jacob haters are demented!. He is honest, loving, warm, and he let Bella make her own choices unlike some undead people I won't name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Part two is a very important part to the story!.!.!.it's basically Bella's whole pregnancy!. The beginning to it is a little hard to get into, but it's good!. Keep reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. it waz okay, but dont stop, there is a part three!. where it goes back to bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's the point of reading a book if your just going to skip like 200 pages!?!?!?


lots happens in part twoWww@QuestionHome@Com