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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you or what is the proper way to organize your bookshelf/case?

Question: How do you or what is the proper way to organize your bookshelf/case!?
This is how mine currently is: Textbooks - Poetry - Fiction and those are organized from tallest to shortest!. But my bookcase still looks cluttered so I was wondering if their was a better way to organize a bookshelf to make it look less cluttered!. haven'tWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I always run into trouble organizing mine too!. I've discovered that clutter is what bothers me the most, and that I will sacrifice categorization by subject or author in order to achieve a neat appearance!. I pretty much organize by size: mass markets together, trade paperbacks together, etc!. But as any book collector knows, organizing is an entirely subjective activity, haha!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sort mine by size and subject!.
I have sections for religion, poetry, politics/history, Wiill Rogers, fiction, and valuable old books (top shelf)
There is also a section of just paperbacks-sorted by subject, like fiction, non-ficiton, etc!. My cookbooks are in a shelf in the kitchen!. Books/magazines I have been published in go in a place by themselves!.
It helps to have about half the books you own NOT on a book shelf, but in another room!. If your bookshelf is DECoRATIVE then clear it out some!.If it is funcitional and really packed, it will look crowded and cluttered because it is!. It is ok!.
Decide what you want your bookcase to "say!."
Mine says "I am well-read and love books and don't give a hoot what someone else thinks my house should look like!."

Most people don't organize their bookshelves,but the way you organize it is up to you

I'm a geek, so i love to organize my bookshelves :)

I have a non-fiction section which I don't really organize but i have science stuff and history stuff and things like that grouped together

I also have assigned reading books which is basically all classics on it's own shelf

As for all of my fiction, i'm constantly changing how those are organized!. I once did it by the author's name, I've done it by thickness and size and right now they are in groups *books about magic, books about traveling, books about cliques!.!.!. ect*

However how they are organized doesn't affect the clutteriness!. To make mine look less cluttered i have a jewelry box on a shelf with books piles onto of it on their sides and I have some pictures

but here are some pictures with examples of things to do with some tips

Depends on how many books you have!. If just one shelf worth, try organizing by the color of the spine!. This makes a nice looking shelf, not necessarily sensibly organized, but it looks good!.

If that doesn't suit your tastes, I'd stick with genre, but you could mix it up by applying an autobiographical spin to it!. Put the books in the order in which they entered your life!.

Alternately, just do it the way we did at Bogey's Books, by genre and alpha by author!. Ah the good ol' days of working with books and the people who love them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to separate into groups (non-fiction, fiction, etc!.!.!.) and in rare case sub-groups (I'm a little weird) and then finally by author!. I guess I have the occasional book that seems out of place by just a quick glance, but I really like to know where everything is since I have so many books!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personal Preference I think!.

You have to answer to your own OCD I'm afraid!. Mine dictates that they be separated!. Fiction: Alpha by Author!. Then Biographies by subject, then Non-Fiction by subject, Alpha by Author!.

Always alphabetically! One cannot leave matters of great importance to size and shape!.

I try to keep authors together but it doesn't always work!. I have changed my dining room into a library and the shelves are just bursting now! I need to sort it all out but intil I make headway with reading some I am stuck with them being untidy and piled high!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i organize by author, then hardback, then paperback, then non fiction, then reference!.!.!.!.if something is too oddball sized the it goes lastWww@QuestionHome@Com