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Question: Harry Potter Book Sales!?
Which HP book sold the most copies in the first day!? Or which sold the most in general!? Or does anyone have any figures on any of the HP book sales!? 1st day, week, month!? Book lists!? Anything!? I've already read the series!.!. And Breaking Dawn just sold like 3!.7 million or something so I was wondering!.!.

Thanks in advance I know you won't let me down :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For Deathly Hallows, I saw the wikipedia source stating 12 million, but that seems like a globlal first day sale number!. According to USA today (link provided in sources) it states 8!.3 million in the US within the first 24 hours!. (1)

Half Blood Prince sold 6!.9 million in the first 24 hours (2)

Order of the Phoenix sold 5 million copies in the first 24 hours in the US (3)

And just in case you are wondering, since BD is the 4th Twilight book, Goblet of Fire sold 3 million copies the first day (3)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry potter and twilight are overrated!.

When you grow up you'll see there are far better books than those, called literature!. Right now they are like Pokemon or something; you'll grow out of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

let's just say hp sold a hell of a lot more than bd did!. or ever could!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After the release of HP and the Deathly Hallow: "Publishers announced a record-breaking 12 million copies sold for the first printing in the US alone!."

That's a bit above 3!.7, and a pretty astounding figure, particularly for only one country, and not the author's home country!.
Suggest you wait for the results of the entire first printing of the book you mention to make any comparisons!. ADD: Personally, though I've read some of one and all of the other, (some Steph, all JK), Meyer will not make her billion on her books!.

Maybe by selling a 'Bella engagement ring' for $75!.00, as she is, Meyer may pull in a few more million, but it's the book sales that make the biggest money!. also, MTV is just not the movie studio Warner Bros!. is, sorry!.

Both books are written on a kid level, though Twilight is called YA, but Meyer ruined hers for good with an unwarranted (and unsafe) message in her books, while JK can't get past HP and write about different things for kids to read!.

2nd ADD: You ask a question, you get all kinds of answers here!. If you feel, at '14,' you are too young to get these kind of answers, maybe you shouldn't ask questions, or perhaps wait a bit to join up here again!.

*I write this merely to point out that as long as you are within the age group allowed on this site, you will have to take 'lumps' of both coal and sugar!. Those who posted anwers that I see are not point-gaming!. They have answered your question, in their ways!.
You can handle it without giving thumbs down, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com