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Question: Self publishing-whats the cost
can somone give me the start to finish on self publishing!? ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on the publisher!. Check out Lulu, there isn't a cost unless you print the book!. My friend just published a book there, it's a short children's book and it cost $6!.95 for me to have it printed!. also Amazon has a self-publishing company (sorry I can't remember the name) that allows you to sell your book directly on Amazon!.com!. Those are the better companies because you can direct readers there!. also, buy or borrow from the library a self-publishing guidebook (links below)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A couple thousand on a printed book!. If you need it edited, then much more!.

I would not advise it!. Best thing is go to your local copy center and see how they can put it together for you!.!.!. and then sell it on Ebay!. Test it out like that before investing in publishing!.

You have other alternatives as well!. Get a free host online and send the link to http://newfreebooks!.com and other such sites!. Get it out there for people to enjoy!.!.!. and if it is good, there is always a chance that a publisher might pick up on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com