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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did you imagine Edward Cullen to have an AMERICAN/BRITISH accent when you read t

Question: Did you imagine Edward Cullen to have an AMERICAN/BRITISH accent when you read the books!?
i personally imagined him to have a Brit accent
and in the trailer of the movie, well!.!. it's american alright
so it kinda killed it a bit for me!.
I know they live in the US but still, i imagined him with a Brit accent!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually did! I'm not really sure why though because Stephenie never says that he has a british accent but I guess the name Edward sounded British to me!. LOL I am not really disappointed that he doesnt in the movie though!. At first I though he would in the movie because Robert Pattinson is British, but even though he uses an American accent I still think the movie will be worth watching!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am from Europe and they teach us British English here!. All of my English teachers that were not Lithuanians [I am Lithuanian] were Brits!. And I find British English very charming!. Therefore all of the books that I read in English [including Twilight] sound like British English in my head!. Though it is a lot easier with Harry Potter, as it has so many nice BrE words, such as blimey :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i did too, i think it will make Edward more interesting and hotter!. Stephenie Meyer really doensn't describe her characters well!. i have a hard time imagining what the characters are like!. i guess the twilight movie cast is close to whhat the author described Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always imagine characters in books to
have an Brit accent!. It makes it!.!. interesting to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com