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Question: What book am i thinking of!?!!?!!?!!!?
ok so last night i remember a teacher reading a chapter of a book!. it always sounded intresting but idk what it was called! all i remeber is that for the first time the sun was coming out and there was this little girl who everyone picked on so the class locked her in the closet so she couldnt go play out when the sun came!. which happend and then it started raining again! so what book was this!!?!?!1 its gonna bug me!! please help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I remember that! It's All in a Summer Day by Ray Bradbury!.!.!.It was a passage from a stadardized test!. I can give you a basic description though; It's set in the future, on some planet (I want to say Venus, but I'm not sure!.!.!.)!. On the planet the sun only comes out once every six years or so!. Other than that, it just rains and rains!. The main character is Margot who was born on Earth and lived there for the first five years of her life!. The other kids all dislike her because she's different and is actually able to remember the sun; The last time they saw it they were two-year-olds!. So they're in school and getting ready to go play in the sun for what is basically the first time when the teacher has to run off to talk to another teacher!. While she is out the class does their favorite thing; Torment Margot!. It winds up that they lock her in the arts and crafts closet as a joke!. They never mean to actually leave her there!. The teacher comes back and is just as excited as the kids are!. With all the excitement and energy they have, they totally forget about Margot and leave her in the closet for the two hours that the sun is out!. When they come back in, they realize with horror that she's still in the closet and she's missed the sun!.

I never really liked that story because it's just so cruel!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It might me Matilda by Roald Dahl!. I'm not really sure!.

"Matilda is a little girl who is far too good to be true!. At age five-and-a-half she's knocking off double-digit multiplication problems and blitz-reading Dickens!. Even more remarkably, her classmates love her even though she's a super-nerd and the teacher's pet!. But everything is not perfect in Matilda's world!. For starters she has two of the most idiotic, self-centered parents who ever lived!. Then there's the large, busty nightmare of a school principal, Mrs!. ("The") Trunchbull, a former hammer-throwing champion who flings children at will and is approximately as sympathetic as a bulldozer!. Fortunately for Matilda, she has the inner resources to deal with such annoyances: astonishing intelligence, saintly patience, and an innate predilection for revenge!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

"All Summer in a Day" --by Ray Bradbury


We read that in school it was All Summer in a Day! It's by Ray BradburyWww@QuestionHome@Com

idk about the book ask the teacher!. or email!.
try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry dont know!.!.!. but thats kind of sad that they locked her in a closet lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!.!.!. sorry, I've got nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com