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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do some not like Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer?

Question: Why do some not like Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer!?
I thought that Breaking Dawn was good!. I was wondering what is it about the book that people think was a disappointment!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Poorly written!.
Teen pregnancy!.
Bella is a sex addict!.
Extremely boring!.
Characters don't act like themselves!.

It reminded me of a really bad fanfiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely agree with Pippa!. I mean, come on!. The book is so cheesy and all of the characters change completely!. Bella and Edward are like Mommy and Daddy, and Bella is a nymphomaniac!. It is so annoying!. Oh, and whoever said Stephenie Meyer is a good writer is crazy!. She is terrible!. The stories are good, but the writing itself is awful!. A ten-year-old could write better than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because some people are picky readers!. and noone understands art!. there are going to be people that will not like someones art because it does not go with someone's morals and ****!. and I for one liked the book there were a few things that she could have changed but it's her book!. So all power to her!. she is a talented writer and the people who said before that she was hates her now because some stupid book ruined their expectations!. yippie-de-******-doo! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it! I mean, I don't even unnderstand why people hate it! I I LOVED THE BOOK!. Sure, it could've been better but it was freakin awesome!.


The only thing that disapointed me was Jake imprinting on Nessie!.

By the way, out of all the books, I love Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really liked it!
some complain teen pregnancy!. in case people didn't know A LOT of teens are having sex and getting pregnant, so that's only reality!.
and if they don't like reality, well then that's their problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know i loved it!!! :) :) :) :) But i dont understand why some people hated it! :( :( :( :(

I ? !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although I can see what people mean!.
It isn't as good as the first 3 to me because I think
it doesn't really have a plot!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i LOVED breaking dawn!
it was one my favorite books =]
Stephenie Meyer is such a talented writer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz it was gayWww@QuestionHome@Com