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Question: Anorexia story/diary!.!.!.!. help!
please help me! i am writing a story about a 14/15 yr old girl who goes anorexic!.!.!. its a diary!. how should i start it (i need some tips)!? i want it to be sad but not extremely sad or inappropriate!.!.
what should the girl's name be/look like!?
Should she get help in the end/ help herself/ or die!? :(

(Please no "my boyfriend dumped me for a thin girl and i want him back" scenarios) :p

Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have her describing the difference of it, and then put in a lot of "flashback" entries in the diary!. Certain things that added up and made her decision!.

For a name how about something like Avery!.!.!?
She should have brown hair and hazel eyes!. She should be pretty short for her age and have a rosy complexion!.

To trigger her need to become anorexic, there should be a major problem in her family life that she feels the need to get attention for!.!.!.
In the end I think you should have this character saved because she meets someone (boy or girl/ romance or no romance) who should help out a lot with the deaf!. Then a deaf child should make the sign for anorexic and it can be like a reality check for her!. I guess you can pretty much go from there!

Good luck it sounds cool!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

start it like you would start a dairy

dear diary, thats sounds kinda dumb!.!.!. but here it goes!

so um diary how are you !? i'm fine, sort of, i decided to try out for the dance team at school today! i really want to make the squad i love dancing and have been doing it since practically forever!. The thing is, all the girls at the meeting today were like, pencil thin! I literally wanted to shove hamburgers in all their faces hahaha!. maybe ill try to shed a pound or two before tryouts!. I guess that means cut down on junk food, crap!

and then her disease can progress from there!. i tried to write in 15 year old girl form!. then make the next entrance sad,

to my darling diary,

today was the single worst day of my life!. i over heard some girls talking about me in the locker room before gym,
"Lila is going out for dance!?! what how can she even move with all that extra weight!? haha she'll probably break the floor!"
thats what they said!. i couldn't even believe what i was hearing! how could someone be so mean!? screw cutting out junk food, i'm cutting out food completely!!!!

names : lila!. ana!. Jasmine/ Jazz for short!. Blaise!. Lacey!. Hera!.

she should be about 5'6 and not thin but not fat!. 135 pounds - 150!. then she can get down to 89 pounds!. Brown/black hair, ice blue eyes!.

in the end you should let her live and she should see someone die and realize she does not want that Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look for a copy of the book "Alice," which is a similar type of story, also a diary!. It might give you some pointers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com