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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is stephanie meyer going to make another boook from breaking dawn?

Question: Is stephanie meyer going to make another boook from breaking dawn!?
i think she shouuuld! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes she is!. She said she may write a 5th or even 6th book but it will not be from Bella's perspective!. She said that Bella and Edward would be in the books though as secondary characters like Alice or Jasper!.

But I think if she does write another book in the Twilight series then it will be from Jacob, Renesme, or Leah's perspective!. Just an opinion!

but she also said she would write other books that are not related to the Twilight series!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella's story is over!. Edward, however has to tell HIS side!.

If I were Ms!. Meyers I would not write one more word for cranky, bitchy teens!.
All I hear is how Breaking Dawn didn't live up to teens expectations!. Was that because it did not end on graduation night, and Bella waking up from her dreams about Edward and Family and then decide to go to Whatcom Community College with Jakob!? Then finding out she was pregnant by somebody!? So she skips out on college, Charlie helps her get on welfare, and she takes on line classes so she won't be so far behind!.!.and has the baby and someone else--maybe her mom jumps in and takes care of it while she finishes her schooling and gets a good education!. Only to find out Edward IS waiting for her!.!.But now she is 23 and OLD!.!.!.and it is too late!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

stephanie myers is going to do the whole sereies again in Edwards point of view but the sereies is OVER no book after Breaking Dawn and even if there was theres nothing to write every thing is perfect right now
really im tired of answering the same questions sooo many times so remember Google next timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyer, although a talented author, does not make books, she writes them!.
Does anyone ever care about spelling and grammar!? I hoped they might, especially in a site that is for people supposed to be interested in writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm really not trying to be rude!. I'm not!.!.!.
But, search for your question before asking it next time!.
This has been asked so many times, people are tired of answering it!.
The answer is no!.
She is, however, writing Midnight Sun!. It is Twilight in Edward's point of view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that she actually may be writing another one continuing Breaking Dawn but i think it will be in someone elses point of view!.

thats a total MAYBE though!. i think i read about it somewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. she is not gonna do another book after breaking dawn!. it would be awesome if it was continued but its not!. there is gonna be a book from edwards point of view but no more than that = [ Www@QuestionHome@Com

i heard she'll write the host 2 and another twilight series fom edwards point of viewWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's called Midnight Sun and it's Twilight from Edward's point of viewWww@QuestionHome@Com