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Question: Pre-order breaking dawn!?
so I pre-ordered breaking dawn in April from walmart!.com
it said I was supposed to receive the book on Saturday (the release date), but now its Tuesday (almost Wednesday) and I STILL haven't gotten it!
so I "tracked" it online to see where it was it says it's still in California (I live in Texas)!

so I was wondering if anyone out there pre-ordered (or even ordered) Breaking Dawn, and if they have gotten it or still haven't

thanks ahead of time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Next time go with Barnes & Noble!. They get stuff out on time!. I had an issue with Amazon about getting a book weeks late!.

Call customer service and tell them what happened!. Say how important it was to you to get this long awaited book on time!. If you ask you could get the book now from a walmart now and then have them cancel the late order!. Should charge you the same price!. Get a name of who you talked to!.

also get off YahooAnswers - people are posting Breaking Dawn spoilers in their question titles!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you already pay!? Because if not, then just go get it at the nearest bookstore!. There were a lot of them left over at the Barnes and Noble I went to!.

However, I read the book, and it was not like the rest!. So you may just want to borrow it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I pre- orded my book from barnes and noble and it said i'm suppose to recieve it tommorw and according to ups its right on track but i said a 3-5 day shipping and i pre orded it in JuneWww@QuestionHome@Com

hey!!!!!! listen! the book wasnt availible till aug 2 it probly takes 3 days to get im gettin mine toomrow i also preordered it dont worry!!! tommrow ur gettin it everyone hoo preordered it is!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That happens a lot!. Www@QuestionHome@Com