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Question: IDK what to write about!!!!!
ok, well im going to start writing a book!. now there are a few options which i am unsure of which to write about!. its always one topic one day, then the other topic!. heres the first topic!. Planet Devulsion is an exact copy of earth with a few minor adjustments (this is for both books) it is divided into 4 parts, and has a few diffrent animal species, and landforms and other stuff!. They also have complete diffrent weapons then earth!. Now this is for the first topic!. There is another planet only 80 million miles away from devulsion and is being overpopulated!. fast!. so they invade devulsion and try to make it their own planet!. but when 1 man is infected with a virus sent out by the other planets beings, he becomes stronger, quicker, smarter, and more!. he helps fight the other planet!. Now for the second topic!. In Devulsion, there are special beings who can control elements of the world!. such as fire, water, rock, plants, psychic, and lava!. The king of one of the 4 parts is one of these beings and he wants to take over the world!. but he has a son, and is afraid to be overthrown!. so he plans to kill his son, but his wife sends his son away and is murdered by the king!. so the son grows up to learn that he can control these elements, and is aiming to be able to contain his power so it doesnt go out of control!. so he joins the rebel forces to fight against the king!. which one do you think is better!? oh and the first topic is fought with guns, the second is fought with swords and bows and maces and more medevil stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I always have the same problem!. Honestly, I'm just waiting for inspiration to smack me in the face and be like "WRITE ABOUT THAT!!!!"

My top picks right now vary from a violent, psychotic sociopath topic to some kind of forbidden love story!. I also like thinking about writing Investigative stories - thats one of the least appreciated genres to me (and I know for a fact that it takes a lot to make a good detective book)!. I want one with a complex plot and characters that flow into it smoothly!. I want something that has readers wondering what'll come next; mystery and unpredictability is what makes a good novel (for me)!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first sounds rather like a cliche, medieval version mix of Lord of the Rings and Animorphs!.!.!. The second, like a fan fiction of the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian or Gladiator!.
But either one!.
Really, though, it shouldn't start out as a desire to write a book!. If you know your end desire is to get it published, it will never get finished because you'll feel no one will ever want to read it and that it's a waste of your effort!. And, as you're already doing, you'll second guess the power of your idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't even understand what your question is!.

But before even THINKING of writing a book, you should work on spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax and semantics!.


and exactly what am I supposed to do!? hand you a nice story on a silver platter!? -_-Www@QuestionHome@Com

And then can there be Aliens!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com