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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have to write a book report and i dont know which twilight book to use?

Question: I have to write a book report and i dont know which twilight book to use!?
over the summer i have to read 2 books and choose one and write a report on it, Well i chose to read the whole twilight saga and i really liked them, i read the first 3 and I'm almost threw with the 4th, but i liked them all so much i dint know which one to write my report on! so which one do you think i should chose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think I would write about New Moon, you won't need to include much background from Twilight other than you have Bella and she is in love with a vampire named Edward!. Jacob is a family friend etc etc!. With New Moon you will be able to write about the connection Edward and Bella share and the emotional torment she goes through when he leaves!. You can then move on to her developed relationship with Jacob, how he is a comfort to her, he wants more but she's not sure!.!.being so in love with Edward still!. And finding him again, having that love and passion renewed while trying not to push your best friend away from you!.!.!.!.while weaving in the vampire-wolf enemies plot!. There are many interesting angles from which to interpret the book!.!.I think you would have a good time with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do the first one!. If you pick one of the others, you're going to have to explain what happened first anyways, so you may as well put all of your efforts into that!. It'll be easiest and the least confusing!. =) Great books! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that you should write about Twilight!. It introduces the main characters, their dilemma, and the basic plot-line that the next books follow!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first one will be the most interesting to write about!. that way people will get the whole picture!. and not be confused!. oh and nice choice of books!.
? alexx!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you should write it on the first one!. it is the original and in my opinion, the best!. (i haven't read breaking dawn yet though!.!.!. ugh! stupid pre order!.!.!.) anyhow, thats what i would do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

probebly the first one cause its more appropriate for school lmaoo!=) good luck!!Www@QuestionHome@Com