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Question: Explain this Twilighters, because it makes no sense (Spoilers)
Charlie doesn't know about the Cullens being vampires, so he doesn't know that Bella is a vampire now, HOW can he not notice that Bella doesn't AGE !?
What a great moral to teach kids, once you grow up, ignore your children, it's better when you forget about their existence!. What a great parent, that Charlie is!

SMeyer lost it!.!. I can't believe she made Jake a pedo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lost it!?

She never had it to begin with!.

That whole series is twisted!.
I mean a "heroine" whose one goal is to die so she can be with a man, giving no consideration to how her parents or friends will react!?

A vampire who is also an incubus though vampires are always human, and incubi are always demons!?

I've said it a hundred times, I don't understand how these god awful books can be popular!.
It's just proof that even if something is popular, doesn't mean it's good!.

PenguiLuver, that's just horrible!.
So she's never supposed to see her father again!. Break off all ties with your family!? That's the message!?

Books, especially books that are intended for younger readers need to be wary of what is written in them!. Younger readers may take things the wrong way!.

Just ask Stephen King, what happened with Rage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't definitively say that Charlie doesn't know about them being a vampire!. It was said that the less he knows, the better and that they would let him come to his own conclusions!. I'm sure that Charlie put it together, but would rather not mention it and was abiding to the rule they put in place!. He loves his daughter dearly and seeing her happier than ever and taken care of probably gave him a sense of peace with the whole thing--it was Bella's choice!.!.!.she wasn't forced and she did it all knowingly!.

As for Jake being called a pedophile!. I feel that some of the things in the book are a bit too subtle for young people and this was one of them!. The idea of imprinting was explained more than once throughout the series and Jake's feeling for Nessie was clearly defined!. At the moment, it's more of a protective devotion probably more like a parent which is constantly reinforced by his actions!. It was said that down the road that can turn into an adult love, but not now!.

Obviously many people are not understanding the whole gist of the story that was written by Stephenie Meyers and she is being criticized for it wrongly!.


Obviously, Charlie isn't going to realize that in the matter of a couple of weeks or months!. Although, Meyers really didn't give the reader much of a glimpse into the future, when Charlie WOULD start to notice!. Who knows, then!?

The one thing that bothered me is how easily Charlie accepted everything - and certainly, given everything he's said and done in the past, he'd be asking questions (regardless of Jacob's warning) or at least taking a little bit more time to come to grips with the "changes" he's been introduced to!.

As for Jacob being a pedophile - well, I really don't think you understood the concept of imprinting!. You have to see it the way Meyers did, from a more mature point of view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Charlie knows she different (that's pretty obvious), but he doesn't want to know the details!. He can handle it if he can see the differences from a metaphorical distance!. o!.O;

And Jake isn't a pedophile!. He doesn't think about Nessie that way at all!. He will someday, but only when she's an adult and feels the same for him!. It's awkward, sure, but still not pedophilia because he isn't romantically or sexually attracted to a child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you completely!. And Charlie as a character really lost his touch!. I think, had she been turned in Twilight, he would have called the army, the CIA and the FBI to figure out what happened to his daughter that changed her so much!. But instead he's just like, "oh, okay!. Whatever!." Smeyer definitely lost it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

charlie does know there is a secret in the Cullens family and know Bella is a part of it because Jacob tuned in to a werewolf in front of him
but Charlie does not want too much info or anything unessesary (its kinda stupid)
Charlie even saw and heard the difference in Bella
(go read the book properly before u critisize anything else)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't explain the last book because it barely made sense with the rest of the series!. The other three books were at a different level than this one!. Breaking Dawn seemed amateurish in comparison!. All of the conflicts from the other books were too easily resolved!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think Charlie notices it yet, but eventually he will!. She's going to have to move far far away where she can't see him anymore!.
I don't think Stephenie lost it!. Jacob isn't a pedophile, because he has no sexual attraction to Renesmee!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well in Breaking Dawn, they only show a specific amount of time that charlie sees Bella!. So we dont know wat hes gunna think in like a few years!. So!.!.!.ya!.!.!.:)

And hes really confused due to Jacob being a werewolf!. Since Jacob phased in front of him!.!.!.
BUT he said in the book he doesnt want to know anything not necessary lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, if I was in Bella's situation, my parents would be FREAKED OUT!. And they would have not stopped calling until they got to see me!. Bella's parents suck!. Yeah, and she did ruin Jake, BIG TIME!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah seriously, it totally sucked!. Stephenie Meyer must have had some kind of mental breakdown or snorted a whole truckload of coke!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Charlie realizes she isn't exactly normal anymore!.!. He just doesn't know the specifics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think CHarlie knows that something is different about her, but he just doesn't really want to think about it or read into it too much!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Smeyer never had it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com