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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone please tell me a web site where I can download chronicles of narnia

Question: Can someone please tell me a web site where I can download chronicles of narnia ebooks for free!?Thanks!
I've been trying to find one for ages (i love narnia stories!) but so far, no success!. I thought Yahoo Answers can help!. Thanks everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The sites mentioned by the other poster are illegal pirate sites!.

The books you want are still protected by copyright law!. Downloading them from free online sites is illegal!.

You can get them for free from your library and they're commonly found in used book stores!.

Please don't participate in the theft of an author's work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try the following sites:
1!.www!.scribd!.com (this site allows you to download all types of books but u should sign up for that)
2!.www!.seedpeer!.com(this is a torrent site)Www@QuestionHome@Com