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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are the private series by kate brian worth reading? 10 point

Question: Are the private series by kate brian worth reading!? 10 point
i heard theyu are really good and i really want to read them!. how many books are in the series so far!? when are the new ones coming out!? can you list them all!? and can u give a brief short discription on all of them!? thanks!. r they worth reading!? i will pick a best answer!.

p!.s are the A-list series worth reading too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Private Series are Reallyyy good!. They keep you reading because there are so many twists and turns and just things that SHOCK you!. And not at the end, its in like every chapter!. haha :)
And There are seven books so far!.

1!. Private
2!. Invitation Only
3!. Untouchable
4!. Confessions
5!. Inner Circle
6!. Legacy
7!. Ambition

The 8th books comes out September 16th!.
And they are supposed to be 10 books, from what I know!. :)

i love the series! theres mystery, romance, suspense, and so many other things!. its not all about sex, sex, sex!. you'll love it!

there are 7 so far!. and the 8th one comes out sept!.16th !.!.!. cant wait!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya they are really good and not all girly like you may think!. and they really get you thinking about your values!.
overall, a good book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com