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Question: Breaking Dawn questions!? (don't answer unless you've read the book)
I just finished Breaking Dawn and I was utterly disappointed!.
I also have a few questions!.

(spoilers ahead)

Charlie knows that Jake is a werewolf/shape-shifter, right!? So does he know that Bella and the Cullens are vampires as well!?

Jacob imprinted on Nessie, even though she is half vampire!. So what does he think of Bella now!? Just a girl, a friend, a mother-in-law!?

Seriously, what is up with Bella's "shield"!? Does she see it in her head!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just finished reading the book too!!.!.
First I have no idea why Jacob told Charlie what he was, but maybe is to get more attention for him than for all the changes Bella has gone throuhg, for example let's say that Bella has changed a lot and that now she has a daughter, but all that compared to what Jacob is is like NOTHING!,!.!.!.!. then that helped Bella talk to her father again, beause she was afraid he might not recognize her and start making assumptions of what the Cullens really were!.

Then about Jacob imprinting on Nessie, I don't really think he did it in the way that he would be her mate when she grows up, of course only Stephenie would know that, but as far as I understood Nessie is so alike Bella when she was human that make Jacob so irresistible to hurt her and instead he loves her so much that would do anything he can to protect her!.!.!. remember what Edward says at the end when he and Bella are talking in the way Nahuel was supposed to be looking at Nessie, when he was really looking at Bella!.

About the shield, of course she cannot see it physically but she feels it, remember she described it as a rubber band that recoils or stretches depending on how far she wants it to go, or who she wants to protect!. Then at the end when she concentrates and tryies to take aways her shield, she doesn't see it, again, she just feels how she takes off guard and gives Edward the chance to enter her mind and see her thoughts!!.!.!.!. very cute ones by the way!.!.!.!. like when she tells him one of the memories is the first time she saw him at school!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Charlie only knows about werewolves' existence!. He doesn't know anything about vampires!. After seeing Jacob shift, he doesn't want to know anything more about it and refuses to be told anything, which made it convenient for Bella because she didn't have to tell Charlie anything!. So for now, Charlie doesn't know anything about vampires, only about werewolves!.

Bella is now a close friend and a mother-in-law!. He doesn't see bella in any romantic way anymore, but they do talk and are on good terms!.

Her shield is something she sees in her head!. It's like!.!. a giant bubble, and when Jane attacks, it's like sharp arrows trying to break the bubble!. When Alec attacks, it's like a huge ooze trying to make its way into the bubble!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think that Jacob phased to make understand Bella's condition as a "need to know" situation, sort of a diversion of sorts!. I'm sure that Charlie's aware that something is different about Bella and Cullens, but, that he chooses to acknowledge only what's in the best interest of Bella!. Bella refers to self-preservation quite a bit and I think that Charlie's simpleton attitude is his self-preservation!.

I think that he thinks of Bella as a friend and someone who might become his mother-in-law!. I think Bella just finds comfort in the fact that he's willing to protect her daughter at anytime!.

Bella's shield appears to be a mental protector that helps to block out the defensive (mental) talents of other vampires!. Edward helps her to understand that her talent is the the mirror image of Renesmee's talent, so, in the end she is able to share her thoughts with Edward since he cannot read her mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep charlie is in on the details , but he wants to keep his knowledge vague!.

For Jake , now he doesn't feel completely attached to bella, now she is just a great best friend and doesn't love he like that anymore

bella envisioning the sheild in her head like small bubble probably helps to command where it goes, having something to manipulate!.

PS Breaking Dawn was disappointment, totlly didn't match upto the other threeWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) No, he's on a need-to-know basis!. He doesn't know or want to!. He just knows that something is not right!.

2) He thinks of her as he always has!. A best friend!. Eventually she will be kind of his mother-in-law!. Weird, I know!.

3) She doesn't see it at all and niether does anybody else!. She can feel it though!. It's like something tugging at her head!. She can tell how far stretched it is from her!. It's kinda like she's spreading her arms out to protect them, she can feel it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.) Yes, he knows about Jacob, and no, he didn't want to know everything, he wanted to be kept in the dark!. He knows they're different, but not exactly what they are!.

2!.) He thinks of Bella as a friend, Bella says like when they used to hang out in his garage!. He lost all his love for her when Renesee came!.

3!.) I have no clue, SM didn't really explain it!. I thought it was visible, but apparently no one can see it but her!. It's confusing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

charlie doesn't know that she's a vampire, but he does know that she is different and has decided he doesn't want to know!. for his safety from the volturi, bella can't tell him!.

i think he still loves her, but in a different way!. just kind of as a friend!.

she can probably feel it more than she can see it!.


I dont think Charlie knows what Bella is exactly, no!.

What Jacob and Bella felt for eachother romantically left her body when she gave birth to Nessie and stayed with Nessie!. Now its more like a family-bond between them!.

Yeah, the shield is only visible to Bella!. And I think she more "feels" its whereabouts!. The shield was kind of weird, but its an interesting idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was weird that Jacob a werewolf imprinted on a half vampire child and he thinks of Bella as just a freind now its kinda stupid i was a bit disapointed at all the idiocracy in the book like how Charlie can be sooo simple minded and dosent want to know the details about anything going on Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. No, not really!. He knows they're not what they claim to be!. He doesn't want to know so much!.

2!.Best friend!.

3!.I don't know!. Www@QuestionHome@Com